Volume Network Weekly Update: 08.05–08.11

Volume Network
2 min readAug 12, 2019


Product Technologies:

  1. We’ve launched the windows P disk tools, and the mining tools is currently being tested
  2. The transaction synchronization bug is currently being fixed.
  3. The account model adjustment is now being tested.
  4. The Docker file system is being tested
  5. We’ve defined the p disk and the mining logic test for efficiency.
  6. Wallet run readme is being prepared.
  7. The browser wallet interface is 50% done and will be completed this week.
  8. We’ve increased the internal cache for multiple unconfirmed pledge/deposit, and pledge/withdraw transactions.
  9. The browser & wallet front-end static page is being built.
  10. The mining rules has been completed and will be announced this week.

Community Operations:

  1. Volume Network participated in the Kucoin Red Envelope Event.
  2. We participated in an AMA session organized by MXC Exchange to interact with the MXC community.
  3. The Telegram community launched a bi-weekly quiz and game contest
  4. We conducted four Twitter airdrop events.
  5. We’ve hired additional operations officers to join us.

Business Market:

  1. VOL was ranked first in the mining industry by the media.
  2. We are in contact with two media agencies for several PR releases and coverage.

To learn more about Volume Network, please visit any of the following links below 👇

👉 Twitter: https://twitter.com/network_volume

👉 Telegram [EN]: https://t.me/VolumeNetworkio

👉 Telegram [TKY]: https://t.me/VolumeNetworkTurkey

👉 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/VolumeNetwork

👉 Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/volumenetworkcommunity

👉 Medium: https://medium.com/@volumenetworkblockchain

👉 Uptrennd: https://www.uptrennd.com/user/NjYxNg==

👉 Steemit:

👉 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2wCgaKjoYy3GzzWe8c8L6

👉 Website: https://volumenetwork.io



Volume Network

Former CTO of TRON.network.and Chinese Filecoin project-Lambda built VOL together. Official website: https://volumenetwork.io