Volume Network
2 min readJul 24, 2019


We are happy to write you from the Volume Network foundation HQ on the past week’s activities and achievements. First we will like to apologize for publishing this report a day older, this was not our intention, but was unavoidable due to the several activities we have going on at the same time. Kindly find below, the past week’s service areas as follows:

Product Technologies:

  1. The testnet genesis block transaction is being developed.
  2. The main network mortgage, and mortgage related function research and development is underway.
  3. The node block rewards and the block reward related parameters have been defined and approved.
  4. The docker node deployment plan is being deliberated and will be approved soon.
  5. The Volume Network test environment is being developed.
  6. The web browser interface is currently under development and will be deployed once completed.
  7. The wallet interface is currently under development.
  8. We’ve hired a new Visual Designer.

Community Operations:

  1. The results of the Sticker and GIF Bounty contest has being announced.
  2. We published a summary of our #2 Live video AMA session across all our community.
  3. We conducted a community operations and brand operations personnel interviews.
  4. We have established our sixth official community group.
  5. We got listed on two new exchanges — EXX and MXC.

Business Operations:

  1. Planned and approved VOL roadshow in Seoul, Korea on the 25th of July.
  2. The Initial planning phase for the Vietnamese road show has begun.
  3. New Exchange listing activity is being discussed.

To learn more about Volume Network, please visit any of the following links below 👇

👉 Twitter: https://twitter.com/network_volume

👉 Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/VolumeNetwork

👉 Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/volumenetworkcommunity

👉 Medium: https://medium.com/Volume Network

👉 Steemit:

👉 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2wCgaKjoYy3GzzWe8c8L6

👉 Website: https://volumenetwork.io

Volume Network

Former CTO of TRON.network.and Chinese Filecoin project-Lambda built VOL together. Official website: https://volumenetwork.io