What Else Can We Do to Save Palestine? Establish a New Jewish State!

Abdullah Sulayman
9 min readMay 12, 2024


Why the demonstrations didn’t work?

A hero, Aaron Bushnell, sacrificed his life, while many people lost their jobs because they support Palestine. If existing measures are enough, why don’t Aaron join the marching? Why did he feel hopeless even though so many people were demonstrating? And Israel continues to ignore the United Nations ceasefire resolution, and the United States still prevents Palestine from becoming a member of the United Nations.

In the demonstrations, some people said Ceasefire Now, and some said Not In Our Name. The question is, what if Israel does not ceasefire? What consequences will come to Israel? Any warning without consequences is just a plea. Unless we clearly warn Israel of the consequences of rejecting a ceasefire, Israel will only continue.

What can we do?

What should be done, is to encourage and support left-wing Jews to try to build a new Jewish state. As an ideal result, there will be two Jewish states in the world: Israel and a left-wing Jewish state. This is a worst consequence for Israel, because all the favoritism Israel can get comes from the fact: Israel is the only Jewish state in the world.

This does not mean to have a state immediately. It is to establish a mechanism: the more Israel goes too far, the more angry people will be, and the easier it will be to establish a new Jewish state. If Netanyahu stops the genocide, it will not be easy to build a new Jewish state; but if he refuses a ceasefire, public anger will be transformed into motivation and power to promote establishing a new Jewish state. It’s like a gun pointed at Israel, but the trigger is in Netanyahu’s hand.

I know this raises many questions, such as will the new Jewish state become another Israel, repeating the mistakes of colonialism and apartheid? Where will be the new Jewish state? Before these questions, I would like to talk about the great significance of this action.

Proving that Israel does not represent all Jews

The most wanted situation for Zionism is that there is only one Jewish state in the world. This is the worst situation for peaceful Jews and Palestinians, because only in this way can Zionists see themselves as representatives of all Jews and thereby justify their genocide and apartheid. If there were two Jewish states in the world, everyone would condemn Israel, because neither state is representative of all Jews, and Israel’s behavior is far from a normal state.

Left-wing Jews claim that Israel does not represent all Jews, but they are unable to prove this. Because since there is only one Jewish state in the world, at the national level, this country can indeed be regarded as the representative of the Jews. Left-wing Jewish organizations have tried to deny this through several statements, which is difficult. However, once people discover that another Jewish state is possible in the world, Israel’s status as Jewish representatives will be shaken; as another Jewish state gradually becomes a reality, more and more people will stop seeing Israel as representative of the Jewish people.

Political correctness will be our advantage, not theirs anymore

In the past, political correctness was Israel’s advantage; but once left-wing Jews take action, Israel’s advantage will disappear. What’s more, political correctness will become an advantage for Palestinian supporters. The establishment of a Jewish state is political correctness; although it is not good for Israel, if anyone dares to stop it, he is anti-Semitic.

This will help us expose the ugly faces of hypocritical politicians. Many people claim to support Israel because they support Jews. When left-wing Jews want to establish a new Jewish state, will those people support this action? Some people do, but most people don’t. So at this time, everyone will ask: Why do you claim to love all Jews, but you only help the war Jews and not the peaceful Jews? Why only help those Jews who are destroying and killing instead of helping those Jews who are doing something beneficial to the Jewish nation as a whole and the world?

For Netanyahu and all other Zionists, this is shooting themselves in the foot. They once said: Whoever denies the right of the Jews to establish a state is anti-Semitic. Now they themselves are becoming anti-Semitic. Because if they do not want Israel to lose its status as the only Jewish state, they will oppose the establishment of new state, then they are what they call anti-Semitism; If they agree, great, the establishment of a new state by left-wing Jews will succeed quickly, and Israel will no longer be the only Jewish state.

We should ask the same way to Biden, Trump and Pelosi,

We should question those who accuse protesters of anti-Semitism;

We should question all politicians who provide arms to Israel,

We should question all those who support Israel in the name of political correctness.

We will charge anyone who says no with anti-Semitism.

We have endured unjust accusations for too long, and it’s time to give them back. When we do this, political correctness is our strength.

Israel’s lack of legitimacy

The establishment of any country requires legitimacy, that is, justice. Therefore, establishing a country for Zionism and colonialism is shameful and ugly; establishing a state based on a social contract for one’s own rights is acceptable; establishing a country in order to help others is the most praiseworthy and touching thing in the world.

The discussion about the legitimacy of Israel can be summarized as two questions:

“Do the Jews have the right to establish a state?” “Yes.”

“Do the Jews have the right to forcibly occupy other people’s homes and establish their own state?” “No.”

When there is only one Jewish state in the world, many people will involuntarily focus on the first question, while politicians will lead the people to deliberately ignore the second question. When two Jewish states appear in front of the people, one illegally occupies other people’s homes and apartheid, but the other doesn’t, then at this time, everyone will focus on the second issue and notice the differences between these two countries. This difference will lead to more people joining the action to help the Palestinians.

Other Effects

The above discussion will cause a chain reaction. For example, when Israeli soldiers hear that Israel’s privileges may disappear, their morale will drop significantly. Those demonstrators in Tel Aviv who support peace talks will be even more morale after hearing about this. Left-wing in Israel may also leave Israel and immigrate to other countries, which would reduce Israel’s tax revenue and military resources.


Another reason for the current situation is that the media favors Israel. And this action could partly solve this problem. This is because this process is extremely newsworthy and cannot be ignored by any media; moreover, this process will generate a series of news that repeatedly occupy the page, and very news appearance means that left-wing Jews condemn Zionists.

The supporters of Aaron Bushnell have a regret, that is, after his death, many media tried to discredit him by discussing his mental state and religious sentiments, and to shift the focus. But he could not defend himself, and the explanations given by others for him were not accepted by those media. Now, here’s a chance to make up for the regrets. When we became the focus of media around the world in a short time, we can commemorate Aaron Bushnell in front of the world, and promote Aaron’s ideals.

Will the new Jewish state become another Israel?

First of all, due to natural human rights and social contract theory, any nation has the right to establish a country without harming the rights and interests of others. But in some cases, such as imperialism and colonialism, newly established states harm those who originally lived on this land, such as the tragedy of the Native Americans and the tragedy of Gaza today. Therefore, the new Jewish state will not become another Israel only if the following conditions are met:

1. Try to gain legitimacy before establishing a country, such as trying to ensure that there is no colonialism.

2. During the process, maintain peace and friendship with local residents and neighbors (host country and neighboring countries).

3. After the new country is established, maintain friendly communication and cooperation with its neighbors.

Israel has failed to do any of the above three points, which is why even though Israel is the only Jewish state in the world, we still question its legitimacy.

For these 3 conditions, I have 3 suggestions.

1. Decolonization. Not only to avoid colonialism, but to go further and view the establishment of a new Jewish state as an act of decolonization. On the one hand, it benefits Palestine, so it is anti-colonialism; on the other hand, if it is supported by the native peoples (American Indians, Aboriginal Australians, Maoris), making the country the first one in history to be founded with the support of indigenous peoples, this is an act of decolonization. Moreover, the country’s legitimacy is better than USA, Canada, and Australia.

2. United Nations model. The United Nations is of course not a country, but the process of establishing the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan is worth learning from. The neighborhood where the United Nations headquarters is located was a backward neighborhood before the arrival of the United Nations. The entry of United Nations personnel into the place and the establishment of the United Nations headquarters were also very peaceful and friendly, and the United Nations headquarters also made the area more prosperous.

3. EU model. If we want to maintain friendly exchanges and cooperation with neighboring countries, we must establish a model of country-to-country exchanges and cooperation. The best model is the European Union. The success of the EU is not only economic, but also proves that it is feasible to abandon the barriers caused by borders and integrate different countries into one. It can even be said that if we had promised to maintain EU-like relations with neighboring countries before the establishment of the country, then the neighboring countries would not be obsessed with border demarcation, and the establishment of the country would be easy.

Where will the new Jewish state be established?

This question should be decided by left-wing Jews. Based on the principles of historical justice and anti-colonialism, I have the following two suggestions.

1. Germany

Due to World War II, the German people generally believe that the crimes of World War II should be thoroughly reflected on and the mistakes made during World War II should be corrected. This will make it easier for left-wing Jews to gain the consent of the local people and help gain legitimacy. And this new country must be established in the state with the lowest population density and the least developed economy in Germany, which is the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in East Germany. The benefits for Germany are huge. Because there is a large group of talents on the land of the original Germany, Germany’s economy will grow significantly, and the problem of the development gap between the east and the west will be quickly resolved. In addition, for reflecting on the history of World War II, donating a piece of land to the Jews seems more sincere than kneeling down, so Germany will also gain huge reputation. Since this event is beneficial to Palestine, Muslims will also be happy to see this happen. Therefore, this move will truly make it a reality for Jews, Christians, and Muslims to live in harmony and friendship on this land. In this way, everyone is a beneficiary except extremists (white supremacists, Zionists, and Islamic extremists who do not want Jews, Muslims, and Christians to live in peace).

2. Australia, New Zealand, Canada

These countries have extremely low population densities, lower than the least state in Germany. This means that finding a piece of land is not difficult, and just 1% of Australia is larger than Israel. Secondly, their history is similar to that of Germany, which was accompanied by the genocide of local civilians. And the descendants of survivors of the genocide (Indians, Aboriginal Australians, Maori) are generally sympathetic to and supportive of the Palestinians. This means that if left-wing Jews make it clear that establishing a new Jewish state means supporting Palestine, they can easily gain support from indigenous peoples. The issue of legality can be easily resolved.

If the new Jewish state can initiate the establishment of an EU-like organization in the region (perhaps it can be Oceania Union), the process of state-establishing will be very smooth, which will also contribute to development among regional countries and to world multipolarity.



Abdullah Sulayman

A new Muslim, idea maker, studying Islam and German classic philosophy Bilibili 被窝里的小王