Stereotyping of Women Around the World: A Call to Speak Up

Vonica Berlin
2 min readJun 18, 2024

I’ve always been a girl who speaks her mind, unable to mask my emotions and feelings. I’m aware of my limits and boundaries, understanding what might be offensive and the best way to convey my thoughts. Despite my ongoing struggle to convey things without hurting others, I’m still learning. But let me tell you a story, no wait not a story a real incidents happening around.

Imagine this: a group of boys discussing tech, mobile specifications, or politics or it can be anything. A girl comes in, sharing her perspective, and suddenly, a snide comment follows — “As if you know this. Don’t blabber.” There’s a laughter, isolating her voice.

I encountered a similar situation with a group of friends discussing Embedded engineering. One of the girls, who works in that very industry, shared her insights. Instantly, a guy dismissed her, “First of all, do you even understand what it is? Don’t blabber for the sake of it.” She smiled and kept quiet, but I couldn’t. I pointed out, “She’s in the same industry as you. Why are you being so judgmental? A company doesn’t hire someone without industry knowledge. She’s been working for years, and you can’t just dismiss her like that.

Even among my guy friends, I’ve earned the nickname “Lawyer” because I stand up for girls. Some of my homegirls stay silent, fearing exclusion. They just smile and leave. But girls, you are strong and capable of doing everything. You don’t need a “lawyer” to voice your concerns.

Girls, I can’t always be your lawyer, and neither can any other girl who speaks out. You must be your own lawyer. Speak up. Be strong.

When you encounter stereotyping or any form of judgment, don’t let it silence you. Use your voice, your intellect, and your strength to break those barriers. Let’s create a world where every girl feels empowered to share her knowledge without fear of dismissal.

Remember, you are not alone in this fight. Together, we can change the narrative.

More power to all girls🔥💪🏻

