My Medium Stories Aren’t Being Read

But they aren’t being seen either

Martin Von Mars
2 min readJan 28, 2022


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None of the last several of my stories on Medium have been read at all. My initial thought is that they must be no good, I’m just a lousy writer. And that may be the case. However, they have had almost no views either. So maybe they are no good, maybe nobody has seen them, or maybe both. I’m not that concerned as my main purpose is gaining experience and organizing my thoughts. But as long as I’m here, I should make proper utilization of the platform.

The last 3 stories have been in my publication Matrices. I can’t imagine that being in my publication, as opposed to just straight self-published, would squelch exposure. Maybe it doesn’t, I don’t know. I have under 50 followers at this time as I just started writing last month. But I know I see stories from people I don’t follow, stories that Medium assumes match my interests (and some do!).

I’ve concluded, with the vast number of writers and their stories on Medium, it may be more useful to make more frequent, shorter posts. A huge quantity of articles stipulates less time per article. I know there are publications dedicated to shorter content that seem to do very well, such as The Short Form. So I intend to go short and frequent and see what happens.



Martin Von Mars

Seeking to thrive in the physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions.