Voodoo Incentivized Testnet: A Guide to Get Started

7 min readMay 5, 2023


Welcome fellow Fantom Degen! In this guide, we walk you through the entire process of getting set up on the Voodoo Incentivized Testnet.

We’ll start with getting your wallet set up on Fantom Testnet and getting a hold of some testnet tokens to practice trading with.

Next, we’ll run you through how to execute basic margin trades on Voodoo.

Finally, we’ll take a look at how to earn rewards on your FTM/USDC holdings by providing liquidity for fellow Fantom degens to margin trade.

Setting up on Fantom Testnet

To get started on the Voodoo Incentivized Testnet, head over to https://app.voodoo.trade and connect your Metamask (mobile wallets can use WalletConnect) to Voodoo.

  1. Once you are on app.voodoo.trade, select “Connect Wallet” from the upper right hand corner.

2. Now select the wallet you would like to use

3. Once you select the wallet, a prompt will display in the bottom right hand corner. Click “Switch to Fantom Testnet

4. A prompt will appear on your wallet. Select “Switch Network

5. You are now connected to Fantom Testnet. Voodoo will redirect you back to the “Earn” page.

6. At this step, you now must obtain testnet FTM to use as gas for your transactions.

To do this, go to https://faucet.fantom.network/

7. On the Fantom Testnet Faucet, 1st copy and paste the wallet address you are using to interact with the Voodoo Testnet (1)

Next, select “I am not a Robot” (2) and then click “Request Testnet FTM

Finally, select the correct images from the Captcha bot.

8. Now, head back to app.voodoo.trade

Navigate to the top right hand corner and select “Faucet”. This is where you will obtain testnet USDC and FTM for margin trading.

9. Select “Confirm” in your wallet to execute the transaction and receive your testnet tokens.

10. Now, we will add these tokens automatically to your wallet, so that you can view your testnet token balance.

To do so, scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will see “Test Fantom and “USD Coin” under “VLP Composition”.

Scroll your cursor over the “i” information bubble next to each token, and select “Add to Wallet

11. Select “Add Token”. Repeat this process for both Test Fantom and USDC

12. We’re almost ready to trade now. Simply scroll back up to the top of the page, and select “Trade” from the navigation bar.

You will now be directed to the main trading page where you can get started with the trading competition.

*Optional Way to Add Fantom Testnet Yourself:

If you wish to connect to the Fantom testnet manually:

  1. Select Custom RPC:

2. Add the following details:

Network Name: Fantom testnet.
New RPC Url: https://rpc.testnet.fantom.network/
ChainID: 0xfa2
Symbol: FTM

Once you’re on the testnet:

How to Trade:

Now that you have your testnet tokens, you’re ready to begin the first task by trading FTM perps. Let’s jump right into it.

  1. To access the Trading interface click “Trade” on the top menu or visit: app.voodoo.trade/#/trade

2. Select whether you wish to long or short FTM:

3 Next, key in the amount you wish to use for your position and select your leverage. In the example below we’re using 250 FTM to long FTM with 10x leverage:

4. Next, click “Approve” to enable Voodoo to use your collateral.

5. Once the approval transaction has been completed you can now click “Long” before confirming your position you can review the parameters of the long.

6. After reviewing your position if you’re ready to open the trade click “Long” and approve the transaction. If the transaction doesn’t go through then try allowing up to 1% slippage.

7. After the transaction has been completed your position will be opened and you can view it within the positions tab:

How to Swap

Task two is to conduct a swap, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to https://app.voodoo.trade/#/trade and select “Swap” from the trade interface.

2. Select the assets that you wish to swap, for this example, we’ll swap 100 FTM into USDC.

3. Approve the assets then click “Swap” and click “Confirm Swap” in the window below:

4. Once the swap transaction has been executed your trade should be complete.

Adding Liquidity to Voodoo

In this task, we will check out how to add liquidity to Voodoo. Liquidity Providers (LPs) deposit their assets into Voodoo trading pools so that traders can open margin positions on FTM. In return, LPs earn rewards in the form of FTM and esVMX as real yield. To add liquidity, we purchase the VLP token, which represents a share of the Voodoo LP pool. Doing so offers FTM holders an excellent way to earn solid APR on their FTM holdings. Let’s get started:

  1. To get started, head to the nav bar at the top and click “Buy”.

2. Next, click on “Buy VLP” in the box on the right.

3. You are now at the spot where you can buy or sell VLP tokens. Buying or selling is akin to entering or exiting an LP position (VLP represents a share of the liquidity on Voodoo)

First, select whether you would like to deposit FTM or USDC into the liquidity pool by clicking here:

4. You will now see a display which lets you select which token you would like to use. Select either one.

5. Next, enter in the mount of FTM or USDC you would like to deposit to the pool and then select “Buy VLP” and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

6. Once the transaction is completed, your new VLP balance will be reflected here as below.

7. Next, let’s navigate to the “Earn” page so that we can check our rewards out.

8. At the top of the “Earn” page, you will see your rewards accruing in real time for holding VLP. These rewards come in the form of FTM and esVMX (plus multiplier points).

9. To familiarize yourself with the various reward strategies, you can try compounding your rewards to earn more. You can also try claiming them and then depositing them into the VLP Vester at the bottom of the Earn page to begin vesting. As we get closer to mainnet, we will release an in-depth guide to this process.

Sending You On Your Way

God’s speed, Degen. We’ll see you on the other side after you’ve ascended.

Website: http://voodoo.trade/

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