Vortex Swap

What is Vortex Swap?

Vortex Swap


Vortex Swap is the Third-Gen DeFi Protocol and the most advanced decentralized exchange(DEX) with minimal trading fees on Pulse Chain Network. Besides this, we will be the first DEX to introduce Protocol Owned Liquidity on Pulse Chain.

Whenever you make a token swap (trade) on the exchange, you will need to pay only as low as a 0.17% trading fee, and a portion of the fee is used to buyback $VTX and form Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL) in the form of VTX/WPLS LPs:

0.02% — Vortex Swap Treasury
0.05% — Buyback of $VTX to form Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL)
0.10% — Returned to liquidity pools in the form of a fee reward for liquidity providers.

By allocating a big portion of our fees to buying back $VTX and forming LPs, we are ensuring that there will always be liquidity for $VTX tokens.
Even during a bear market, there will be enough liquidity to support any sell-offs. OlympusDAO was the first project to introduce this feature in the defi Space. We’ll be the first to introduce
Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL) in a AMM dex on Pulse Chain.

Key Feature of VortexSwap

  • Lowest Trading Fees (0.17%) On the Pulse Chain Network
  • Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL)
  • Yield Farming/Pools
  • Referral System with 2% reward on every Referred Earning
  • Launchpad
  • High APY farm
  • NFT Yield Farming

Lets get connected:





Vortex Swap

Vortex Swap is the Third-Gen DeFi Protocol and the most advance decentralized exchange with the lowest trading fees (0.17%) on Pulse Chain :)