Building Georgia for All in Toombs and Montgomery County

Trent Nesmith
3 min readOct 19, 2017


My name is Trent Nesmith, I’m the proud owner of American Roofing, the father of two children with my wife Samantha, an active community member in my hometown of Statesboro, and Democratic candidate for Congress in Georgia’s 12th district.

This week I visited Toombs and Montgomery County as part of my efforts to engage with community leaders and businesses across the district, and take in how Congress can step up as an effective partner in Georgia’s 12th Congressional District. I had the great pleasure of meeting with the Vidalia Kiwanis club, Mayor Pro-Tempore Raymond Turner of Vidalia, and local leadership for the Toombs county NAACP and Democratic Party organizations.

Civic organizations like the Kiwanis help strengthen our communities and build bonds between neighbors to help address challenges in our community. Myself and my company are proud long-time partners of organizations like the Boys and Girls Club and Habitat for Humanity for this same reason. Learning more about what the Kiwanis and local Boys and Girls Club in Vidalia were doing to help our young people and the less fortunate among us instilled hope in me that Washington can borrow Georgia values like working together to move communities forward. First and foremost, we have to talk to each other and we must have leadership willing to listen.

The struggle for civil rights and creating opportunity for every Georgian remains a challenge in the present day. Hearing firsthand from NAACP leadership about the social, educational and economic disparities facing the African-American community in Toombs county, and from Democratic Party leadership about the need for efforts to forward equity and opportunity further encouraged this campaign’s pledge of advocacy for more economic mobility, a living wage, the best education possible for every child in the 12th, along with the full restoration and implementation of the Voting and Civil Rights Acts at the federal level.

In Montgomery County, I visited Bestline Sash and Door, a major employer in Ailey that creates high quality building and construction products used around the country in our homes and businesses. Touring their manufacturing facility and learning more about their business and products from management and their workers was a fantastic experience, and one that was sort of a treat to see as someone in the building trades myself.

Congress has neglected the need to invest in our manufacturing industry, and help our manufacturers compete in the global economy. The manufacturing industry is a major force in Georgia’s 12th district, and is a source of good jobs for both blue and white collar workers across the district. The workforce in Georgia’s 12th is hardworking and talented, and I’m ready to get to work for them in Congress by supporting fair trade, pro-labor policies, and responsible tax policy that will support Georgia manufacturing and help create more good jobs for Georgia workers. We can do a much better job promoting Georgia’s manufacturing to consumers and businesses around the world.

Additionally, we need more funding and support to help train tradespeople and skilled craftsmen with the education and apprenticeships they need to be successful. I built a good life for myself and my family in the building trades, and every young person in Georgia’s 12th district deserves the opportunity to do the same. I will support legislation in Congress that helps more young people gain access to the blue collar revolution.

To learn more about Trent Nesmith and this Democratic campaign for Georgia’s 12th congressional district please visit or like him on Facebook and follow him on Twitter.



Trent Nesmith

Statesboro native and business owner working to build Georgia for all and bring bold new leadership to GA-12. Join #TeamTrent18 to bring sanity to Washington.