News: Vouchr Powers Gifting for both Moneygram and Western Union

Aug 29, 2022


Gifting is the top use case for customers in the remittance market for sending money back to family overseas and both Moneygram and Western Union have integrated Vouchr into their mobile app to power that use case.

Whether a customer is using Moneygram or Western Union, the sender always gets a code to text to their family overseas so they can pick up their cash at a kiosk. With Vouchr, the sender can now choose a digital greeting card for the occasion, or make a personalized video greeting, and send that code to them with a contextual, personal touch.

“The experience is the digital version of including cash inside a greeting card”

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Vouchr lets you send gift cards inside a customized digital greeting card to match any program, brand or campaign. We also provide tools for personalization.