3 min readAug 4, 2020



Each year, fashion magazines and moguls declare the latest trends of the season. Sometimes it’s a very specific shade of lime green, other times it’s high-waisted jeans that couldn’t possibly go higher. But this year, the hottest fashion trends are a little different. It’s all about sustainability, size-inclusivity, and shopping locally. Whether you’re a designer in the fashion industry or a consumer looking to shop smart, Vower is here to break down these 3 trends and why everyone needs to start paying attention.


In 2020, sustainable fashion is no longer just an important step for individuals and companies to make a small dent on our global climate crisis. It’s quickly becoming a tremendous movement of fostering change in the fashion system towards responsible consumerism and environmental justice. Everything from using eco-friendly fibers to purchasing locally can greatly affect how sustainable your clothing or brand is.

A good starting place is paying attention to the fabrics you’re purchasing. Switch out your cotton for eco-friendly fabrics like recycled fibers, plant-based fibers like linen or hemp, or semi-synthetics. Not only are the manufacturing processes more sustainable with less usage of water or fossil fuels, they are also more biodegradable and leave less of an environmental impact after you outgrow all the clothes your mom bought for you!

Another easy and affordable way to practice sustainable fashion is through thrifting. Check out Vower’s Instagram for some of our favorite Atlanta thrift stores and boutiques (TheThriftJesus is our fave). Not only is it the most satisfying feeling in the world to dig out a hidden gem in a bin of miscellaneous clothing, it is also a great way to decrease your footprint. Plus, who wants to pay $95 for a pair of Levi’s 501s when you can get them for $7 at Goodwill? As they say, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. So find your local thrift store, throw on some gloves, and start reusing!


Gone are the days of unrealistic body images and one size fits all clothing. In 2020, brands are starting to understand the importance of body positivity and size inclusivity. In fact, almost every major fashion brand you can think of has made a shift recently to introducing or extending their plus-size lines. Statistics actually show that the size sold most frequently is size 14 to 18, and it’s finally starting to reflect in the fashion industry.

Not only has plus size clothing become more common, it’s also become sexy! Supermodels like Ashley Graham, Tara Lynn, and Chloe Marshall grace the runways and magazine covers like nobody’s business. Moreover, the clothes they model have moved from the shapeless, bland frocks that used to characterize plus-size styles to colorful, form-fitting pieces that exude confidence and glamor. If your company hasn’t expanded to size-inclusive fashion yet, you’re late!

Shopping Locally

Tied to both of these movements is the necessity of supporting local businesses. As the Amazons and Walmarts of the world have taken over, the quaint mom and pop shop in your town has suffered. Not only is supporting fast fashion extremely detrimental to our environment, you’re also putting your money where it isn’t needed since, let’s be real, Jeff Bezos is doing fine.

Of course, there’s no denying the economic privilege in being able to shop locally, since not everyone has the ability to leave their homes or purchase something at a higher cost. Nobody has a 100% sustainable or locally sourced wardrobe, but rather it is a constant balancing act to shop smart. Start with checking out a local shop the next time you happen to be out on the town. Get to know the store owners, and slowly but surely support them where you can. If you aren’t able to support them with money, consider volunteering your time or word of mouth. Here at Vower, we’re constantly connecting volunteers to local shops to support small businesses.

Whether you’re a consumer looking to make a wardrobe change or a fashion company looking to improve your brand, sustainability, size-inclusivity, and shopping locally are the hottest trends of the year. If you’re looking for a place to start, check out some of Vower’s partners in the fashion industry and how you can get involved!




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