3 Best Asset Classes to Invest in the Next Recession

Just Hodl
4 min readDec 22, 2018


We are now standing on the threshold of one of the unique and at the same time frightening periods in history. There have never been so many extremes in so many areas at the same time. It seems that the world is developing much faster and we don’t give a clue how things can turn around. However, this may happen sooner than you expect. To be precise, everything has been growing much faster over the past century, than in the past 1000 years, namely: population, technology, debt, inflation, money printing, stocks prices, real estate, cryptocurrency, and so on. There is one thing that unites them all — exponential growth phase. Its last stage is explosive. To make a long story short, the rise never ended with the simple flat. There is a need to bounce off the EMA 200 (21k) to postpone next recession. Otherwise, we will witness the global recession in 2019–2020 and will head over to the red line at 15k. So, while it is fine weather mend your sails.

Imagine a football stadium filled with water that pours out once in a minute, and every minute the number of water doubles. How many minutes do you think it takes to fill an entire stadium? Day, month, maybe a year? No, it will fill in about an hour. And how much will the stadium fill in 45 minutes? Most likely you are going to answer “about 70%.” Nah, it will be filled with only less than 10%, and in the last 5 minutes it will catch up. The stadium will help us draw a parallel with the current market situation. Today, any investor who avoids risk or goes against the crowd can glance at the stocks, bonds or real estate charts and confirm that we have reached the peak, just like the stadium that flooded. Take a look at the following charts of real estate and inflation. I hope you guessed what will happen to our stadium — it will collapse.

Let’s talk about the Ways to Survive a Market Downturn and enlighten How to Invest During the Financial Crisis.

For those who have big balls and cash to invest, this is probably one of the most exciting opportunity. It’s time to get ready to take positions. Depending on the scale of your financial condition, there are several options for saving and multiplying the state. Take in mind that some assets don’t lose the value even in a crisis. Some of them are likely to increase in demand several times.

Take a look at:
🥇 Precious metals
Investing in precious metals in the history of humankind has been one of the main ways of saving and increasing funds. On the other hand, this rule is only in the long term. At the same time, gold or shares of companies mining precious metals is a liquid asset. The price will go up during the crisis, or at least maintain its price.

Land for centuries has been a valuable asset and strategically important. If you want to invest and wait out the crisis, it is better to buy agricultural land, which is included in the area of the long-term development of the village. In this case, the tax regime is preferential. Sooner or later the crisis will pass, housing and land will rise in price again. Usually land is actively in demand after a couple of years after the crisis.

The world will be punished for more than 30 years of excesses that culminated in the Fed’s 100-year experiment with paper money. That is why the authorities are in no hurry to regulate cryptocurrencies, bitcoin in particular. Besides, the cryptocurrency market has already corrected by more than 80% over the past year. Therefore, this market can become a dark horse and a tasty morsel for many investors all over the world to flock to digital gold, which will result in a pump. And that right now would be Bitcoin first of all. Do your own diligence before purchasing an asset.

To sum up, would be fair to underline that talks about recession and crisis are getting more buzz and you will find lots of investment tips to make a fortune in the next crisis. Remember that crisis offers you extra desired power! For someone, a crisis is a collapse, and for someone the opportunity to move on to the next stage. You know, they say “the time is money”. Don’t waste your time, or you are going to lose the money!

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