What is Software Testing?

Vaishnavi Devi Bunja Dhinakaran
2 min readMay 23, 2023


Software testing is the process of evaluating and verifying that a software product or application does what it is supposed to do.

Types of Software Testing

Unit Testing:

Unit testing is a type of software testing that focuses on individual units or components of a software system. The purpose of unit testing is to validate that each unit of the software works as intended and meets the requirements. Unit testing is typically performed by developers, and it is performed early in the development process before the code is integrated and tested as a whole system.

Integration Testing:

Integration testing is a software testing technique that focuses on verifying the interactions and data exchange between different components or modules of a software application. The goal of integration testing is to identify any problems or bugs that arise when different components are combined and interact with each other. Integration testing is typically performed after unit testing and before system testing. It helps to identify and resolve integration issues early in the development cycle, reducing the risk of more severe and costly problems later on.

Software Performance Testing:

Performance testing is a testing technique that determines the speed, scalability, and stability of an application under a given workload. It helps to ensure the quality of the software and makes the application ready to be released into the market.

  • Speed — The speed at which the application responds.
  • Scalability — The maximum user load that the application can handle.
  • Stability — The condition of the application under varying loads.

Security Testing:

Security testing is an integral part of software testing, which is used to discover the weaknesses, risks, or threats in the software application and also help us to stop the nasty attack from the outsiders and make sure the security of our software applications.

Smoke Testing:

Smoke testing, also called build verification testing or confidence testing, is a software testing method that is used to determine if a new software build is ready for the next testing phase.

Automation Testing:

It is the implementation of an automation tool to execute test cases.This is well-suited for projects that are large or require testing to be repeated multiple times.

Sanity Testing:

Sanity testing is performed to check if new module additions to an existing software build are working as expected and can pass to the next level of testing.

Smoke Testing:

Smoke Testing is a software testing process that determines whether the deployed software build is stable or not. Smoke testing is a confirmation for QA team to proceed with further software testing. It consists of a minimal set of tests run on each build to test software functionalities. Smoke testing is also known as “Build Verification Testing” or “Confidence Testing.”

Load Testing:

Load testing measures the response of a system under an increased user volume in order to verify it can handle an expected traffic of users.

