Part 1: Cloud Mining Platform Reviews —

VPN Matters
2 min readOct 19, 2021


Many cloud-mining platforms are in existence today with most of them turning out to be Ponzi schemes used to deceive the naive.

In this review, we review the popular . Our reviews are not investment advice. Always Do your own research (DYOR).

Now let’s begin this review

The domain name was bought in 2013. How’s that relevant? Longevity counts.

The website is also quite popular boasting 16k+ daily visitors.

I decided to start with the pluses.

Now let’s dive in: claims to be a cloud mining platform. It was established by Chinese founders with mining farms in China. Many paid articles on the internet say the platform’s competitive edge comes from its low mining fees, low maintenance fee, and the possibility to buy hash power. It’s also very profitable and blah, blah, blah.

Take all of these with a grain of salt.

Now move closer, let’s talk.

From experience, I can tell you most mining companies’ claims are just hogwash. They look good on paper but it’s executed like a Ponzi and isn’t an exception. It’s profitable for a while until all the issues start: Withdrawal delays, missing funds, etc.

Has oxbtc been guilty of any of these?


In addition to the aforementioned issues, many users have accused the platform of selective scamming. This is a gaslighting strategy of some sort popular with these fraudulent platforms. They pay a percentage of their customers and get great reviews from these ones while other users are defrauded. When the scammed users express their angst publicly online, the customers who got paid are quick to shut down the claims as lies by people trying to tarnish the image of the company.

Whether you get lucky to be paid or not, oxbtc isn’t a legitimate company. My stand is this: even if a platform scams one person and pays thousands, the company is still fraudulent.

And wait a minute
Didn’t China ban mining activities recently? So where in China does 0xbtc run its mining activities from?


You are better off staying away from oxbtc. There are many real passive income opportunities to choose from in the crypto world (e.g Staking and Copy trading). There’s no reason to gamble with your hard-earned money.

This has been an platform review

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