IFHRMS Leave Process: A Comprehensive Guide

3 min readAug 14, 2024


IFHRMS Leave Process: A Comprehensive GuideFor Tamil Nadu government workers, the Integrated Financial and Human Resource Management System (IFHRMS) is a vital resource since it offers convenient access to a range of administrative functions, including leave administration.

This article examines the IFHRMS leave procedure, emphasizing how to use the Karuvoolam payslip feature, log in to the platform, and access it through IFHRMS Karuvoolam.

The Karuvoolam portal provides access to the IFHRMS platform, which is intended to streamline the handling of paperwork for Tamil Nadu government workers. Employees can access a range of services, such as salary slips and leave applications, from one central portal. The government’s larger initiative to improve visibility and digitize government processes includes this system.

How to Begin: Karuvoolam Login

The Karuvoolam portal must be accessed by employees before they may use the IFHRMS services. The way to log in to Karuvoolam is simple:

Go to the Portal of Karuvoolam: Visit the IFHRMS services official website at karuvoolam.tn.gov.in.

Enter Your Login Information: To log in, use your special username and password. Maintaining the security and currency of these credentials is essential.

Get to the Dashboard: You will be taken to the dashboard after a successful login, where you can manage your leaves and obtain paystubs, among other things.

The IFHRMS Leave Process

Access Karuvoolam Portal by logging in.

Employees have to log onto the IFHRMS Karuvoolam site before they can start the leave procedure. Users must input their login information, which includes their password and username, on the Karuvoolam login page. It is vital to guarantee that these particulars are maintained up to current and secure.

Navigating to the Leave Management Section

The leave management part should be accessed by users after they log in. Depending on the exact setup of the IFHRMS portal, this is usually located beneath ‘Employee’ or ‘HR’ sections. Employees can access their leave balance, historical leave information, and other pertinent details here.

Requesting a Leave of Absence

Complete the online application found in the leave handling section to request a leave of absence. The form needs information on the type of time (medical, earned, casual, etc.), the date it begins and finishes, and any supporting documentation that may be required.

submitting the application

Fill out the form and send it in for approval. The approval process for the application will follow a hierarchical structure based on the department and rank of the employee. The portal offers visibility and real-time updates while enabling tracking of the application’s status.

Obtaining Authorization and Alerts

The system notifies the worker and adjusts their leave balance as soon as the application is accepted. The employee’s credentials on the portal also show this modification.

Getting to the Karuvoolam Payslip

The IFHRMS Karuvoolam interface allows access to regular payslips in addition to managing leave. To see and get a copy of your paystub:

Register on the Karuvoolam Portal.

Enter your login information to access the Karuvoolam portal.

Go to the section about payroll.

Track down the payroll area on the dashboard; it’s usually located under ‘Workers Services’ or a related heading.

Examine and obtain the payslip.

Click to view the paycheck by selecting the desired day and year. You can download the Karuvoolam payslip in PDF format, which makes it simple to print or store for later use.


For Tamil Nadu government workers, the IFHRMS Karuvoolam portal is a vital resource since it provides a simple, effective means of managing leave requests and retrieving payroll data. Staff members can simply use the Karuvoolam login process, submit leave requests, and obtain paystubs by following the instructions provided. Public administration is becoming more efficient and transparent as a result of this digital revolution, giving users overall a more immediate and user-friendly experience.

