On Structure, Relations and Sequencing

2 min readFeb 27, 2016


Communications might need some structure, data might need some relations, and code may need to run in sequence. The opposite is also common. You may be fine with unstructured communications, isolated data collections with no relations and code running in parallel with no sequencing enforced.

Most of our needs are a mixed bag. We need both of it — some structure and some randomness. Some sequencing and some parallelism. How much of it makes you to fully swing over to the other side and embrace the extreme entirely? Do we even inspect our needs before embracing some extreme?

What’s the point?

I’m seeing people using document databases for mostly relational data that requires transactions and relational integrity. I’m seeing people replacing simple form inputs with NLP. I’m seeing people forcing async event-based technology to run sequential processing of code.

You might be reinventing how to implement transactional integrity with your NoSQL database, or going crazy with having to deal with converting voice input into form data or struggling to enforce sequence in your async code. But all these are cool problems to have. We need to keep solving the same problems with new technologies.

What’s happening?

We are forcing standard well-known problems into new frameworks and technologies. Imagine yourself suggesting Java, an RDMBS and a forms UI for your next cloud service project? People might look at you as if you are a dinosaur, though those technologies are well-rounded, maintainable and might just the right fit for your problem.

So you end up believing that you have a huge problem that requires NoSQL and all the stuff that goes with that style. You get terabytes of event data and a very complex system with lots of maintenance work. People get lots of hard work to do, and be very excited that they are solving some problems that are never seen in the history.

But cool stuff is cool

Ofcourse, there are good reasons why we had to have these new technologies. Use them for the right situations and right part of the problem. Don’t be afraid to use the good old hammer where it makes perfect sense.

