VAOP in examples: ReactJS : Mini va-calculator

Valeri Rakitine
2 min readDec 30, 2022


I have a plan for this publication:

  • First, I will give a link to a working example in ReactJS, or rather, to va-calculator-v1.0 ;
  • There is a link to the open source code there, but I will also include it in the article: . It is important to remember to mention that this is code from the ‘master’ branch;
  • It is understandable that everyone is anxious and nervous and wants to understand everything immediately, but they will not want to delve into the code. For them, I will write that there is a “Show va-trace” button in the example and it is possible to trace the movement of the v-agent from “Action to Action”;
  • It’s still not clear enough, so I’ll write that you can read about the terminology of “eco-programming & VAOP” at this link [click here]. In general, you can find everything at this link [click here];
  • After such an introduction, I’ll write that the calculator is “mini”, but it has “everything” for growth. Adding new digits and operations is not much trouble. With each button, a new Direction and Action is added;
  • I will not forget to emphasize that the entire Algorithm that the v-agent follows is written in va-script. I will remind you that an Algorithm, by definition, is a model of Actions. If something needs to be changed, we simply make changes to va-script. In this case, everyone (the Customer, the Programmer, and the Computer) works according to the same Algorithm written in one place, namely, in va-script.

Now it remains to write a “standard,” “detailed,” and “boring” article that almost no one will read to the end.

Oh, I almost forgot about the link to “Articles and useful resources” on the VAOP and eco-programming paradigm.

Experienced programmers usually immediately notice that such an approach can be used when implementing applications in other programming languages. Write to me if you have any ideas. I will help. It is clear that VAOP (V-Agent Oriented Programming) is a Programming Methodology and, like OOP (Object Oriented Programming), can be implemented in any programming environments.

You can always find me [here].

