
1 min readDec 5, 2022


Fascinating documentary on the Micronesia islands in the Pacific Ocean.

The documentary takes us through the early history of these small islands, the conquest by the western powers — Britain, Spain, followed by missionaries coming in and setting up stations on these islands.

There was a brief period when the whale trade was prominent and many ships came by and there were battles galore with the islanders. Next followed the copra trade which was like a boon to the islanders because they could profit from it.

The islanders’ needs were being met by ships who were bringing in supplies once in a while. This led to some enterprising islander setting up a general purpose shop in the islands to stock these goods and sell them for profit.

Once this happened and money came in, regular trade started happening. With the coming in of foreigners also bought in diseases that were imported into the islands and almost wiped out some of the islands.

Its a fascinating documentary with lot of photos, few videos and a narration in the background. You can watch this documentary here at


