Get Recharge

Keep your batteries charged or Recharge it….

Vitap Ramdevputra
4 min readFeb 18, 2014


Morning alarm – snooze (x4) = wake up – breakfast – hurry up you are late – formal clothes on – work (or at-least spend time in office) for around 10 hours – family / friends time, TV, social networking, dinner and zzzzzzz…..SLEEP….

A regular day spent on Earth by ordinary men. And repetition of this kind of days, results in deliberate discharging.

Effects of discharging:

A latest costliest smart phone is of no use if it is discharged, it is same thing here too. You are a valuable personal but only if you are charged enough to do the work to which you add values.

Let us take your smart phone, at first full battery, that’s great. After few hours it gets little bit lower, oh! That is obviously obvious, so no big deal. But now when battery once drops below 50% it then starts dropping quickly. And it is time to use it carefully or better recharge it if possible. But most of us choose not to recharge. So, again after few hours few things like flash light stops working, then camera doesn’t work and finally, we are left with a useless piece. It is all replicated with us. Till 50%, it is totally fine, but there are chances to get fully drenched.

We have two options and possibilities, either recharge yourself at regular interval or if by-mistake you skip it then go for quick recharges. I Will elaborate regular recharge techniques and list out points of quick recharge.

Regular Recharging:

1) Don’t think and do nothing :

Yup! This is completely opposite to my previous blog posts, but to keep yourself recharged you have don’t have to think a lot. So question arises, how not to think? It is actually very weird question. And I got answer of this from one of my friend that to not to think – just talk. This was actually a correct answer for those who are extrovert of extroverts, you just keep on talking even if someone listen to you or not and that will help you to prune your unwanted thought.

But what about those who are not so easy in talking (like me).Actually this point is for everyone. Spend some alone time. I am saying alone and not lonely, there is huge difference between this two. In this alone time there is no mobile, TV or any other stuff there is just you. Sit in a relaxed position and listen to your inner voice, don’t argue with it, don’t analyse it, don’t judge it, just listen to it. You will definitely feel good and positive.

Doing nothing does it all for you.

2) Get off the track but use your skills:

Try things which are not part of your daily life, a constraint is – choose a thing which involve some set of skills. For example, try something like calligraphy after spending whole day in front of computer. It will give you pleasure or better say enjoyment. And enjoyment comes only when your skills are involved.

3) Breathe in Oxygen:

Jogging, cycling, swimming or any other thing which ensures you to breathe in more and more Oxygen. It will increases your stability and brain works sharper. So it definitely helps in recharging

There are many other ways like meditation and yoga but these three are of kind which are fun and easy to implement.

Now lets talk about the quick recharges, and it is nothing but, mad entertainment. Below I have listed out few things, which will make you feel good instantly.

  • Go to maximum possible height, feel the wind and enjoy the view.
  • Share your life story with a total stranger.
  • Try all possible thrills. Just overcome your fear.
  • Go on a trip. By road.
  • Become a Kid.
  • Talk Non-sense up-to such a level that even non-sense shouts at you…”What non-sense you guys are talking?”
  • Have hangover.(But keep in mind that you shouldn’t drive car after that)
  • Sing aloud your favorite songs so terribly that can make even dog bark at you.
  • Go on a long walk without deciding destination, just keep taking random turns.
  • Go for a bike ride in a chilling winter night without jacket and sweater. And eat ice -cream.

Above all. Forget about what would others think of you and do what you actually want to do.

You can add your points about how to get quick recharge here

