Vreo Public Sale Update

2 min readAug 4, 2018


The support, participation and response of the Vreo community has been outstanding so far and we are happy to have so many people believe in our project. With over a dozen launch partners already acquired, leading us to a potential reach of up to 40 million gamers, and many more lined up as well, we cannot wait to get started to see our solution up and running.

The first step for that is achieving our goals in the Token Sale. We have been discussing the Token Sale, the state of cryptocurrencies / the market sentiments and the best options for holding a Token Sale for weeks and months, closely monitoring changes and best practices. As most of you know, the market is currently not in a great spot (especially looking at the ETH price dropping near the all-year-low), with a lot of projects failing to reach their goals and/or costs exploding for marketing/user acquisition. As we do not want to spend all the contributions already entrusted to us on banner ads and fraudulent (at best) looking offers, we have to walk a different path.

We are fortunate enough to having acquired a great advisory board as well as a big network consisting of a lot of awesome people during our roadshow. Through that network, we have been presented with great opportunities for having our Public Sale on their platforms. As we are still in the set-up phase, we cannot announce the names yet, but we are super excited to do so soon!

The drawback is the following: with a heavy heart and after long discussions, we have decided to delay the Public Sale, that was planned for the 4th of August and move it onto the aforementioned platforms. We will update on the details of these arrangements as soon as we are allowed to announce them, but we expect the public sale to prosper quite a lot more this way. We can imagine that this may disappoint a few people, but we can assure you that we made that decision with the best interest (short-term AND long-term) of everybody contributing to Vreo in mind. In addition, the private sale continues to be open, so drop us a direct message to ico@vreo.io for further details!

Stay tuned for announcements of updates, new partnerships and other developments, by joining or visiting our telegram community at https://t.me/vreoio.




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