Reasons to Choose iOS Platform For Business

Kinjal Patel
3 min readFeb 17, 2018


It’s no secret the world has gone mobile. Having a business online and having an app for the business is a sign of success. In today’s world having a mobile app for any business is as important as breathing. Smartphones have become the highest used devices for personal and professional use. Android and iOS are the two major platforms in the world of App Development. Both Android and iOS have their own benefits but sometimes people get confused about what platform would be more beneficial for their business. There are few reasons why you should launch your business app on iOS first:

1. Get more Payment:

Although the number of Android users is more than Apple users, Apple still triumphs over Android in case of monetization. Apple users are more likely to pay for an app than Android users. Moreover, the average cost of an android app is $3.79 whereas, for an iOS application it’s just $2.01, making a wide base of paying clients.

2. Customer Satisfaction:

Apple iPhone makes users happier than Android. Because of this reason, iOS became the first choice for any business app. Apple has the best customer support, excellent hardware, and software which made it a superior brand in consumer electronics. An iOS app works so swiftly on an iPhone that users always have a great experience while using an iPhone app which is mandatory for any business.

3. Easily reach to Tech-Savvy Audience:

The iPhone has always been an attractive device for Tech-Savvy audiences. For businesses attracting new customers are as important as keeping the old (right) customers. With well developed and attractive UI any businesses can easily entice new customers. To spread more awareness of your brand one should design & develop an iOS app in an innovative way.

4. Provide High Security:

Every business wants to develop an app that has unique features and also offers a high level of security to its users. The iOS provides strong security for viruses and malware so that Apple users always stay safe from external threats. So this is how iOS can be the perfect choice for an app development business.

5. High ROI:

iOS apps can help businesses to generate higher revenue and increased ROI. But as compared to iOS, Android apps generate less than 10% of total money spent on making it so if we look this in a financial way, iOS is more profitable than Android.

6. Apple’s Marketing Success:

Businesses who have an iPhone app or the any user with an iPhone, knows very well that there is no other way to get your app approved by Apple if your app is not fully tested or useless. So when a user sees a business app in app store they immediately know that the company must be worth their time and price.

7. Secure Transaction:

Though online security is enough for secure payment, iOS app makes it more secure by encrypting online deals and secure your data by removing threats of hacking.

Unlike Android, Apple has more concentrated on the performance along with appearance. The market image and some of the above factors makes iOS more unique and famous than any other operating systems. So the businesses nowadays prefer iPhone App Development compare to any other app development. If you look at business sales and productivity of iPhone apps then you would understand why it is a wise choice to invest in this iOS platform.

