What are great ways to promote an iOS App?

Kinjal Patel
2 min readMar 3, 2018


Because of the profitability of the App Store market, the number of iOS developers are rapidly increasing day by day. Four times more developers are choosing iOS platform instead of Android platform. That is why selecting iPhone App Development for your business is a profitable decision.

Creating a perfect app for a business is a difficult task to perform, but promoting that App in the right manner is also important. Because of the high market competition, it is very important to introduce your App to the eyes of the users for the success of your App. For better results and market performance here are a few ways which can help you to promote your App for a larger audience base.

1) Review Submission:

A review is one of the most important things to create a positive impression on the users. Because positive reviews you can attract more users as it builds trust towards the App. Developers should submit their App to major App review sites. Such sites can provide basic publicity to your App.

2) Social Media:

Nowadays social media is becoming the most effective way to connect directly to the users. You can use popular social media platforms like Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc for posting details about your App. You can also use bookmarks to bookmark your iOS App

3) Website:

Users would always look for real and trustable Apps rather than deal with fake Apps. That is why an online presence for your app is much needy for the success of App.

4) App Store Optimization:

ASO is effective and important for the discoverability of your App in this competitive market. Thus, your ASO needs to be powerful. App Store Optimization includes a unique and attractive name for your App, Relevant Keywords, Informative Description etc.

5) Advertisement:

The advertisement is a direct and effective way to spread awareness regarding your App among the users. You can take popular celebrity face as your brand ambassador, which can help you to attract people easily.

Finish Off:

As you can see that it is important to get the users focused on your App launch. For accomplishing successful results you must need to understand your target audience first and then choose an effective promotional strategy.

