Medical Virtual Reality Is Already Changing Healthcare

2 min readDec 29, 2017


Nowadays, the news of the ICO release does not surprise anyone. Tracking a huge number of projects is becoming increasingly difficult, and it is almost impossible to find something really supported by a product on the market.
We have decided to refute this opinion. In winter, the VR MED project is launched on the ICO — a hardware-software complex based on the VR helmet. VR MED helmet is able to replace a number of medical devices and facilitate the process of examining patients and working with them in such areas as: ophthalmology, neurology, rehabilitation. The VR MED project will be one of the first projects of the RUNMEDICO platform — a site for medical projects based on blockchain technology.

There is a real problem: developments in the field of medicine are a long process, making it difficult for new inventions to enter the market. Medicine needs the development and new high-tech equipment. One of the most promising areas of development is the VR direction. The VR market for health care is estimated at $ 770 million, but the main deterrent is the lack of high-quality inventions and content.

We have designed the first-of-its-kind solution for the development of new areas of medical diagnostics and treatment based on VR through a single software and hardware complex. VR MED includes a virtual reality helmet with specialized software. The main difference between the VR MED helmet and “virtual analogs” is that all the internal components, including the optical system (lenses) are unique, this provides a high accuracy in obtaining and processing patient data. VR MED technology is protected by 4 patents and has been tested in clinics in Russia, Great Britain and Germany.

To date, with the help of a helmet it is already possible to make diagnostics in the field of ophthalmology: to assess the clarity and range of view, to screen the signs of glaucoma. VR MED is able to replace 10 of the 13 “Golden Standard” devices, which are to be in the office of the ophthalmologist. The result of this optimization will amount more than $ 150,000. And this is only ophthalmology. The capabilities of the helmet are much broader and can solve the problems of such areas, for example, as neurology. The usual diagnostic tools in addition to high prices are not mobile and are only designed for stationary use, which limits the access to checkup a much larger category of people: bed-patients, limited in movement. We strive to make diagnostics convenient, mobile and accessible to any category of patients.

ICO is scheduled for Q1 2018, specific data will be available later.




The «VR MED» complex is the first of it’s kind solution of development the new directions in diagnostics and treatment, neurology rehabilitation based on VR