Sri Ram —a natural leader and an epitome of empathy

Vidya chavan
7 min readApr 21, 2021


Lord Sri Ram

Today is Ramnavami — Lord Sri Ram’s birthday and it is celebrated across India, Nepal and other few countries where Lord Sri Ram is revered and worshiped as a god. As per Hindu scriptures & mythological stories it is said that Lord Sri Ram was the 7th avatar of Lord Vishnu himself.

My relationship with god — Lord Sri Ram or to whom I simply call Ramji started even before my birth. My grandpa was a devotee of Lord Sri Ram, so part of my parents’ wedding rituals took place in Ram Temple in my native. Also, I grew up visiting his temple every now and then with my family and when I was young and college going kid, I used to visit it every alternative day with my close friend. But that doesn’t mean I am a orthodox Hindu. Being a SSB’s balavikas student and volunteer (for more than 14 years), I had the opportunity to learn little bit about Yoga, Meditation, Pranayam and about great leaders and saints who united the entire humanity (regardless of religion) — Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Prophet Mohammed, Jesus Christ, Guru Nanak, Meera, Basavanna etc., Fortunately, I grew up in a much diversified community/neighborhood — I had Hindu, Christian neighbors, Muslim & Jain friends (besides Hindu) and visiting Churches and Dargas (besides temples) and being part of every cultural celebrations — Independence day, Ganesh Chaturthi, Deepavali, Navaratri/Dussherra, Kannada Rajotsava, Ramzan, Christmas, Gudi Padwa, Good Friday etc.., was part of my life. So I am not so orthodoxy/ religious person but surely can call myself as a Human and spiritual being — a being that believes in following its own faith and values and letting others also to do so and yet equally respecting every humans and wishing them nothing but good- precisely “Live and let others live” thinking driven person. But I must confess that as I used to visit Ram along with my close friend every alternative days — he just became part of our lives (kind of a friend), he witnessed all our life’s happening as me and my friend shared everything (as we shared all highs and lows of our lives) with him — i.e., he was there whenever we needed him and he guided/responded to us whenever we wanted him to– so he was/is more like a friend to us than just a god.

Sri Ram Temple, my native

But as we all know, change is the only constant in this world, and the time arrived to bid adieu to our Ramji as we had to pursue our career far from our native..and then with time everything changed in our lives. I could not visit him even once for more than 5 years but I have learnt in my life that if the “Bond is strong, it stays ‘as is’ regardless of time and events.”

In Jan 2017, I participated in the Happiness program conducted by AoL. On the last day, as part of program’s tradition, we were asked to get gifts and exchange them anonymously with the other participants. And as an anonymous gift, I got a big Photo wrapped in glittery Green gift paper .When I opened it at home saw there was big surprise — it was my Ramji along with Sita Ma and Laxman ji. My eyes were literally filled with tears of joy. (Note — I don’t accept gifts from anyone but I think this gift (please see the pic) was one of the best things that happened in my life so far)..In retrospect, it appears that he re-entered my life to witness the dramatic events that unfolded in 2017 and following years and to just ensure his presence in my life explicitly. Its like he fulfilled his responsibility of a good friend! Besides, I love listen to/Read his stories and every time I do, I get more clarity on what he was and what he stood for. So, in this post, I am putting forth my personal research and analysis on Lord Sri Ram’s life and how he was a natural leader and a better example of a great human being.

Sri Ram’s Photo received as an anonymous gift

1. Vision — Sri Ram’s vision can be tracked from the way he lived his life and took major decisions and actions regardless of the situations. He served his parents and community like a real leader all through his life (with/without authority). Remember, he lived in those era when King/Prince had all the authority and power to marry and have any number of wives (i.e., Polygamy was a way of life) and the eldest son had all the rights and authority to become the next successor of the king/father. Instead of that he charted his own way of leading his life where in he practiced ‘ek patni vrat (dedicated his entire life to only one wife) and Pitru and Matru Vakya Paripalna (i.e listening and honouring the words of parents)’ as oppose to the prevalent life styles such as polygamy and patriarchy. He showed how one can be an independent person within the family structure.

2. Values — He was a honest, humble, kind and gentle person who lived his life without harming any one. He never expected others to obey his order or commands. He never commanded or manipulated others (siblings/ servants) to follow him, his words/his actions/his way of life. He always focused on fulfilling his responsibility and duties rather than focusing on becoming a hero in other’s lives. Even being the prince he was an empathetic person who honored, respected and treated everyone equally– mother, father, siblings, servants, animals, old people, women and men. Would it be possible for us to comprehend how he did it? The period that he ruled as the King is known as the best period the humanity has ever seen so far. That’s the reason even MK Gandhi wanted to bring his period back in India..

3. Team Building — He never built any army or team by putting aggressive efforts. In fact he modified himself as such a being that he ended up attracting everything and everyone (whatever required) to materialise his vision and higher purpose. I understand it is in this regard MK Gandhi said, be the change you want to see in the world.. So, Ram had a dedicated devotee/servant — Lord Hanuman who assisted Ram in building the army and bridge across the sea to reach Sri Lanka in order to get back Sita Maa from the clutches of Ravana.

4. Empathy — Ram chose empathy over logic. It is his empathy that made him to understand his father’s dilemma and happily agreed to fulfil his wishes (which defies logic completely). It his empathy that made him to understand his step mother’s wishes towards her son Bharath. It his empathy that made him to understand his family servant Manthara who hatched the plan to send Ram to 14 years exile. Will any one spare a servant after coming to know about his/her ill intentions against them ever? Does this sound even logical? Was Ram trying to please his family servant Manthara? Or Was he just a naturally empathetic being and living his life built on his values? Did Ram ever think that by doing so he would lag behind other contemporary prince and kings in the rat race? Did Ram ever give a thought that he was defying his biological needs? I understand he was evolved enough to exercise control over those instincts and desires and follow his Dharma. That’s the reason he is known as Maryadha Purshotham (the best of the best men), is n’t it?

5. Humility –Ram was a well versed prince who learnt all the war techniques/arts and possessed innovative war tools yet he remained humble and listened to others and never misused his tools & learning on weaker section in order to manipulate or full fill his personal desire. It is this virtue that distinguishes him from the equally powerful, well learnt king Ravana. On the battlefield, after seeing valiant, Shiva devotee Ravana, Ram fell short of moral courage and suffered from self doubt. That’s the time when Rishi Agastya pitches in and preaches Aadithya Hrudayam Stotra, upon reciting it he gathers the courage to fight against his enemy. Even after winning the war (as Sadhguru has mentioned in one of his videos), it is said that he performed penance for sometime! such was Ram’s nature!

6. Inclusive Leader — Undoubtedly, Ram was an inclusive leader. He treated everyone the same regardless of their gender, status, caste, family orientation etc.,

Ram’s life was never an easy one, as SJV says, “Lord Ram’s life was a series of disaster. But yet he managed himself so well and remained calm and at peace in all the situations and it is for this virtue that we look up to him and bow down and worship him as God.” Wishing all of you good health and true wealth on this Ram Navami. Hoping that Ram protects the world once again from invisible demon –COVID. Stay safe, stay blessed and be happy :)

Please note : This post is just my personal story, not written with an intention to hurt anyone’s religious sentiment.



Vidya chavan

Enabling people to see different perspectives to implement environment friendly solutions