Virtual Reality (VR), Explained.

Hello, world!

VR Spaces PH
2 min readJul 5, 2019

Virtual Reality - what the heck is VR anyway?

Photo by Eddie Kopp on Unsplash

Before I begin, let me ask: Do y’all remember The Matrix? It’s a 1999 Sci-fi film that depicts a dystopian future in which humanity is unknowingly trapped inside a simulated reality, the Matrix.

How about the film, Ready Player One? The film takes place in 2045 where people seek regular escape from life through the VR entertainment universe, Oasis.

The Matrix. Oasis. That’s how mainstream media depicts VR.

In a nutshell, VR can transport you into another place or dimension by tracking your head movements and changing the image as you move your head.

It’s designed to fool our senses. It’s a computer-generated simulation that puts you in a completely different environment — you'll like it!

Before, there were only 2 kinds of VR headsets:

FIRST is a phone accessory that plugs into a smartphone and turns into a screen. (e.g. Google Cardboard, Samsung Gear VR).

SECOND is a headgear unit attached to a computer with sensors on the side (e.g Oculus rift, HTC Vive).

But now that we are entering the 2020 era, I’m seeing a different kind of VR animal... It’s faster, more powerful, and sexy AF.

Standalone VR Headsets. Big tech companies are now investing lots of moolah in these things! Some examples available in the market are Oculus Go and Oculus Quest.

P.S. Microsoft Hololens is more into mixed reality. (Another topic. Another blog. Hehe.)

Living in the real world

What I love about the VR experience is the immersion factor. Like using noise-canceling earphones, it’s like you're in another world. Woah! That’s fucking cool...

Virtual reality is not a fad anymore. It’s here to stay. Ya’ll have to get with it. Like what my marketing mentor always says: “Either you disrupt or become disrupted.” :)

Talk to you soon.

Written by Timi Artuz
Architect, and Co-founder of VR Spaces

VR Spaces PH is a tech start-up that brings immersive storytelling, and marketing with the use of Virtual and Augmented Reality.

We also produce visual content for Real Estate and Hospitality locations, which includes our pioneer product, the 360 Virtual Tours.



VR Spaces PH

A tech startup integrating Extended Reality and visual marketing solutions to serve the Start-ups, SMEs and Real Estate Industry.