A technique for managing modal views in iOSHow often have you been tasked with adding a modal view to an iOS app? Let’s look at a technique for managing modal presentationsJan 1, 20241Jan 1, 20241
Published inAvanza TechConveying intent: Code it like you mean itHow many times haven’t we all wondered, perhaps while trying to resolve a bug, what a particular piece of code was intended to do?Oct 14, 2018Oct 14, 2018
Published inAvanza TechHur Swift hjälper oss att hjälpa våra kunderPå Avanza använder vi Swift för att bygga vår iOS-app. Faktum är att vi inte har en enda kodrad Objective-C (om sanningen ska fram så…Mar 1, 2018Mar 1, 2018
Insights from my first year as an iOS developerAbout a year ago, in December 2015, I made the switch from frontend web development to iOS app development. I was fortunate enough to be…Nov 21, 2016Nov 21, 2016
Getting rid of Swift singletonsFirst, a bit of background to sort of set the stage for this article. I’m a software developer who’s new to Swift and iOS app development…Oct 5, 2016Oct 5, 2016
The traits of pair programming (and why should do it)I have always heard positive things about pair programming, but I’ve never been a huge fan of it. Until a few days ago.Apr 14, 2015Apr 14, 2015