Published inSnehil VermaHow does Redis work?Let’s start with what is redis. Redis is a tool that is used as a caching layer in the backend application. To read more about Redis please…Sep 20, 2023Sep 20, 2023
Published inSnehil VermaReasons not to become a software developer!Hello, You must have heard from a lot of people that software development is currently a boom in the world. People join the industry to…Sep 18, 2020Sep 18, 2020
Published inSnehil VermaClasses Function and it’s Type in JSI have been using javascript classes and function for a while. I came across two types of function with the class that is, the normal…Jan 31, 2020Jan 31, 2020
Published inSnehil VermaClasses in JavaScriptClasses are the new buzz in Javascript ES6. Everyone is now using classes in their codes. Have you ever thought that even though the class…Jan 27, 2020Jan 27, 2020
Published inSnehil VermaDigitalocean load balancer with NginxDigitalocean launched their load balancers recently, I was playing around with their load balancer and implemented it with Nginx. I came…Jan 7, 2020Jan 7, 2020
Published inSnehil VermaWhat the heck is PM2?I have been creating multiple node apps just for fun on my local machine. I know you too have created or you are creating a node…Jan 3, 2020Jan 3, 2020
Published inSnehil VermaNode and NginxI have implemented Node.js app for my dummy project which was working fine, but the problem with Node.js is that it is single-threaded…Nov 30, 2019Nov 30, 2019
Published inSnehil VermaRabbit MQRabbit MQ is a message scheduling service. I implemented it with node.js in my code with the help of the amqp library. Amqp library uses…Nov 19, 2019Nov 19, 2019
Published inSnehil VermaOut of disk space in MySQL?My MySQL server ran out of disk space. Instantaneously there was only one solution to increase the overall server capacity, but that…Oct 4, 2019Oct 4, 2019
Published inSnehil VermaSensitive data in code? Hide it using git!All must be familiar with git, if not go through the guide. I was working on a project where the production environment file had all the…Sep 20, 2019Sep 20, 2019