An unhealthy obsession with refactoring code

4 min readApr 27, 2024


Let’s talk about something that might hit close to home: code refactoring. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for improving code quality and making our projects easier to maintain. But here’s the thing — have you ever found yourself sinking deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole of refactoring, unable to pull yourself out?

Think about it for a moment. How often do you catch yourself endlessly tweaking that one function or restructuring an entire module just to achieve that elusive “perfect” codebase? I know I’ve been there, convincing myself that each refactor will be the last, only to find myself knee-deep in rewrites hours later.

But here’s the kicker: while our intentions may be noble, our obsession with refactoring can quickly spiral out of control. We lose sight of deadlines, neglect other essential tasks, and before we know it, we’re drowning in a sea of code churn.

So, let me ask you this: are you allowing yourself to fall into the trap of over-refactoring? Take a moment to reflect on your recent coding sessions. Have you spent more time polishing code than actually delivering value to your project?

Believe me, I get it. There’s something inherently satisfying about tidying up messy code and turning it into a work of art. But here’s the harsh reality: there’s a point of diminishing returns, where the effort we pour into refactoring outweighs the benefits it brings.

Don’t worry; you’re not alone in this struggle. Many of us have been lured into the alluring trap of over-refactoring at some point in our careers. But recognizing the problem is the first step towards overcoming it.

In the quest for cleaner, more concise code, developers often set sail on their refactoring journeys, seeking to modularize their codebases and enhance maintainability. While this endeavor is commendable, it’s not without its perils — the risk of inadvertently introducing unexpected behaviors and errors, while also complicating the debugging process for other developers.

Picture this: you’re refactoring a repeated function, aiming to encapsulate its logic into a single modular component for improved code organization. However, in the process of modularization, subtle differences in context or state between the original instances of the function may go unnoticed. These discrepancies can lead to unexpected behaviors or errors in the refactored code, as the modularized function now operates under different assumptions or conditions.

Furthermore, by abstracting away the details of the repeated function into a modular component, you may inadvertently obscure the underlying logic from other developers who encounter issues or bugs related to its behavior. Without a clear understanding of how the modularized function interacts with its surrounding environment, debugging becomes a daunting task, requiring developers to unravel layers of abstraction to pinpoint the root cause of the issue. Meanwhile, your application is left vulnerable and users frustrated (which is the last thing your product manager or the business development team wants to hear).

Striking a balance between simplicity and robustness requires careful consideration of functionality, edge cases, and compatibility. By remaining vigilant and mindful of potential pitfalls, you can ensure that your refactored code retains its elegance without sacrificing reliability.

While striving for cleaner, more concise code is admirable, obsessing over perfection can lead us down a precarious path, where the pursuit of elegance blinds us to the realities of functionality and edge cases.

Instead, let’s approach refactoring with a balanced mindset — one that values pragmatism more than perfection. Recognize that not every piece of code warrants refactoring, and not every improvement is worth the time and effort. Focus on addressing the most critical pain points and optimizing where it truly matters, while also acknowledging that software development is an iterative process.

By embracing a philosophy of continuous improvement rather than striving for perfection, we can harness the power of refactoring to iteratively enhance our codebases while mitigating the risks of over-engineering. Let’s celebrate the elegance of simplicity while remaining mindful of functionality and the breadth of users. Ultimately, it’s this delicate balance that enables us to craft software that is both elegant and robust, standing the test of time in an ever-evolving landscape of technology. So, refactor wisely, but never lose sight of the bigger picture.




Software Development, Data, Payments and Philosophy