Has OnePlus settled?

Sai Arunesh
2 min readAug 12, 2021
Oppo Oneplus merger

It’s no wonder with the negative news coverage that OnePlus has been getting after it’s CEO Pete Lau officially the merging of OnePlus with its sister brand Oppo. The OnePlus community were long aware of the similarity between OnePlus and Oppo phones sharing similar hardware with some minor tweaks here and there. So, what caused this negative media outrage?

It all started with the next announcement of Pete Lau

“The Two companies will further integrate to be more efficient through resource sharing for both hardware and software”.

The entire community had started to speculate what this would mean to Oxygen OS which was reiterated as the merger of just the code base and that Color OS and Oxygen OS both would continue to exist. This was a partially believable statement since Color OS already replaced Oxygen OS in China’s OnePlus devices with the exception of being global versions of the device.

The statement undid itself with the launch of the latest OnePlus Nord 2 and how “colored” is it compared to this year’s earlier versions of Oxygen OS that came with the flagship OnePlus 9 series. Perhaps the color accuracy that was mentioned a bazillion times in the launch keynote was the Oxygen OS slowly getting replaced by Color OS?

This move is understandably a move by OnePlus towards sustainable expansion and targeting a larger demography of people rather than the niche demography that OnePlus had leveraged to grow its brand upon thus bringing the uproar across the community. For many people OnePlus provided one of the first choices (for android buyers) a chance at affordable flagship rather than buying an underperforming Exynos equipped Samsung phones.

Oxygen OS is known for its fast smooth access and snappy animation. Looking at the Nord 2’s UI its very evident that in the near future only the name of OS might be different with everything else being the same. The only Motivator for still sticking to OnePlus is the Adverts not being baked into OS which may no longer be a case in the future.

