Science, Life, Spirituality, Universe, Space

Part-1-Everything is Alive and Conscious:

Unveiling the Living Essence and Universal Consciousness Within All Existence: The Theory of Everything Series

Vijay S Sharma


Photo by James Lee on Unsplash

Do you believe there are living beings and non-living things in the world?

If you are like the 99.99999% of people, you do believe that there are living and non-living things in the world.

You can even make a list of living and non-living right away… like this:

People, animals, plants, insects, bacteria, and so on are living beings.
Earth, Stone, Metal, Plastic, and so on are non-living Things.

Is this right?

My next question is:

Is it possible to turn one or more non-living things into living things?

I think you would say that from non-living things you can’t make something that is living. That’s why people and animals have parents and all other living things, like plants, bacteria, insects, etc., come from the same kind of living beings.

If you answered that you can’t make a living thing out of something that isn’t alive. My next question is :

Are you sure of that answer?

It shouldn’t take you long to confirm that you are sure that you need living things to make more living things. Right?

Now, look at this list of elements and write down which ones seem alive to you. You could also try to think of what they have in common.


I am sure that you think none of the above elements is alive. If I ask you the reason for considering the above elements non-living, you can quickly give me many reasons. Your reasons may be that they, don’t move, don’t eat, have no metabolism, don’t reproduce, etc. Right?

I will address your likely justification for considering them non-living in part 2 of this article. For now consider the following:

These are the things and elements that every human body has. In other words, all of our bodes are made up of these elements only.

And yes, these elements are exactly the same as they are found outside of human bodies. To reconfirm the carbon, hydrogen, iron, magnesium, etc listed above is EXACTLY the same that is found in the Earth or the atmosphere. There is absolutely no difference.


I think I have proved that either:

  1. You can give life to inanimate or non-living objects. In other words, you don’t need living beings to make other living beings and non-living things can create living beings, or,
  2. Everything in the universe is alive, or at least the elements that make up human body or the bodies or any other living being. In any case virtually all elements in the universe will get covered under this conclusion.

Which one of the above two conclusions is the more logical and scientific choice for you?

I have, of course, reached the conclusion that everything in the universe is alive and conscious.

Read Part 2 of this article in the link below. It conclusively and scientifically proves that everything is alive. Later articles prove that everything in the universe is not only alive but is conscious too.


This article is one in a series of my original research articles about the attributes of God, the existence of God, and how to get in touch with Him if He exists. I also talk about the universe’s nature, size, and origin. The soul’s nature and the nature of the afterlife. how human emotions are related to life, consciousness, and the universe. The Unified Theory of Emotions is something I have proposed before.

All of the above theories are different than the consensus of scientists. There will be ample scientific evidence to back up all of my assertions.

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Vijay S Sharma

Author of Unified Theory of Emotions. Expert in psychology, relationships & mental health. Theories of Universe & Life, God, Soul. Fiction & Poetry @WordView