Ignorance Is Pure Bliss: Proven With Evidence

Delving into the Comfort of Not Knowing through Philosophy, Science, Spiritual and Mathematics

Vijay S Sharma


a robot sitting with the sign bliss but with wrong spelling
Ignorance is Bliss — wrong sign: By Vijay S Sharma

Don’t believe me but I will prove that ignorance is bliss mathematically. And you will agree.

Ignorance is bliss.” We’ve all heard it. Usually, it’s said with a smirk, aimed at those “simple folks” who seem unburdened by the weight of too much knowledge. Little do the gigglers know this concept has deeper roots than they imagine. So deep, it might just go from a room to a mansion to an infinite expanse of — who knows? Now, let’s delve into this cosmic rabbit hole and explore the intricate tapestry of ignorance through philosophy, science, and even a sprinkle of Indian spirituality.

The Room, The Mansion, and Beyond: An Allegory

Imagine you are born in a small room. It’s all you know, and it gives you comfort. You understand its four walls, its ceiling, and its floor. You may even think, “This is all there is.” In this phase, you are blissfully ignorant of the universe beyond your room.

Next, you discover a door and step into a hallway, leading you to a mansion full of rooms. As you explore, you realize how much more there is to know. Each room is…



Vijay S Sharma

Author of Unified Theory of Emotions. Expert in psychology, relationships & mental health. Theories of Universe & Life, God, Soul. Fiction & Poetry @WordView