Let’s talk about failure

Vinicius Stevam
3 min readSep 21, 2018


What do you think failure is?

Failure actually is… when you get to a point that you are done and you don’t have any more to give, all your muscles are done and emotionally you just not there, that is all you can give.

What if I told you that there was a level above that?
What if I told you that your failure wasn’t actually a failure?
What if I told you that your failure is a way to reach that level?
What if I told you that your best always can be better?

I’ve seen certain people reaching another level and I would be silly to think that when I see someone gets that long there’s not a level above that.

I know how is the sensation you think you’re working as hard as possible but I hate to tell you this, but there is another level through your failure. There’s a level above where you’re acting a level of operation that you’re not aware of yet and the one thing that I’ve learned over all this time is you have to chase that level. You have to think and figure out how to get there.

Maybe are you seeing that I have an unfair advantage because I’m blessed? Perhaps one day in my life I decided to get into the gym without imagine that this could change all my life.

A couple of years later I could start to realize what is failure and discipline watching in a room a couple of people chasing that level, get in failure, recover and get in failure again. If you get into a gym once you’ll saw the same thing but maybe you were looking It wrong and say “this is weightlifting this is bodybuilding this is power-lifting I can do this too” but It’s bigger than that, my friend. A lot of people don’t realize they just look at it and see one thing because they are blinded.

What I see when I look at this I see someone who should say:

“Hey…I’m done!

That was my last rep… I’m tired… I want to go eat… Let’s do tomorrow” .

I see somebody that just keeps going and then when this person is about to stop someone in his mind say “Go! do some more” and he does more.

So I’ve been translating that into my life. I relate those actions in the gym with all the things that I’m facing in my life but I know people that just look at it and say “all it’s the gym… It’s muscles… It’s just lifted weights… I could do that too” whatever the fuck you want to say all the excuses in the world but I promise you… You’re looking at it wrong.

When you ask me why it seems like I have 30 hours in a day and you only have 24 maybe just maybe there’s a level above where you are operating above the failure so you have to overcome and struggling day by day never give up.

Doesn’t matters If you’re looking at it wrong what will matter is what will you do about it? because all I know is there are always another…fucking…level..after…your…failure.

Vinicius Stevam.



Vinicius Stevam

I’m a Software Developer interested in Self-motivation, Technology, Blockchain, Financial education, Nerdy things, and Gym & Diet.