Oh Hey Matty Review for V SYSTEMS

V Systems
V Systems
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2019

Thanks for Oh Hey Matty for reviewing us. Twitter: https://twitter.com/ItsMeOhHeyMatty

Here is the YouTube video:


The review is very professional, a deep dive into our technology and Sunny King’s design for database and SPoS.

Enjoy guys, and please share it with your crypto friends, share Sunny King’s view, and make the blockchain world better for future technology!


V SYSTEMS is a native blockchain database and decentralized app platform that aims to create a brand new digital economy era. The project is led by chief architect, Sunny King, the legendary blockchain developer and creator of Proof of Stake (PoS), who initiated the first PoS project with Peercoin and was also the creator of Primecoin.

V SYSTEMS’ mission is to create a future economy built upon millions of blockchains. To fulfill this mission, V SYSTEMS creates a scalable and stable infrastructure that brings a healthy blockchain ecosystem based on the next evolution of PoS, Supernode Proof of Stake (SPoS). V SYSTEMS aims to materialize the vision by building an innovative database cloud to make blockchain development swift and easy.

The mainnet and supernodes of V SYSTEMS have been operating since Q4 2018. The performance has been proven stable with industrial-level TPS.

Project Name: V SYSTEMS

Official Website: https://www.v.systems

Project Introduction documents: https://v.systems/whitepaper.html

Learn how to participate in the Supernode minting: https://v.systems/supernode.html

About VSYS Coin

V SYSTEMS’s cryptocurrency exchange ticker: VSYS

VSYS Coin lists on exchanges: https://v.systems/start.html

Short Summary for VSYS Coin:

5,142,858,000 VSYS Coins (genesis block) Annual inflation rate around 5%, issued through supernode minting. VSYS Coins will be burnt during the transaction, deflation may occur as a result.

VSYS coins are the cryptocurrency on the V SYSTEMS blockchain.

About the V SYSTEMS Team

Architect: Sunny King

Sunny King, a legendary blockchain developer, is the inventor of the Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism and creator of three cryptocurrencies/blockchain projects, including V SYSTEMS, Peercoin, and Primecoin. Each project brings important advancements to blockchain technology and its community.

Core Developer Team Introduction:

The core developer team is made of experts from ex-Oracle, VMware, Google, Uber, and other Silicon Valley tech companies. The leading developer team is all the world’s top database scientists and mathematicians.

Social Media of V SYSTEMS

Telegram: https://t.me/VSYSOfficialGroup

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5095853.0

VSYS Talk: http://talk.v.systems

VSYS Twitter: https://twitter.com/VSYSCoin

Sunny King Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunnyking9999

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vsystemsofficial

Medium: https://medium.com/vsystems

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/V_SYSTEMS



V Systems
V Systems

A blockchain platform that supports the efficient and agile development of decentralized applications. Visit our website at www.v.systems