Weekly Report 2019 May #2

V Systems
V Systems
Published in
5 min readMay 17, 2019

1. Development Progress


The new version of mainnet is tested internally, and the whole network has been upgraded on Testnet to support the smart contract issuing Token function.

Cold wallet support registration contract and execution contract development completed.

Cold and hot wallet interactive development completed.

Browser PC version and mobile moderator function page completed.


Hot and cold wallet issue fixed, we plan to release an upgraded version of the hot wallet and cold wallet early next week.

The browser makes the final structural adjustments and is expected to release an upgraded Testnet browser later next week.

UI design revision for PC version and mobile phone of VSYS Rate, expected to be released next week.

2. Global Community

At the Staking Meetup in New York on the 15th, we announced the more details of our smart contracts’ application, the first wave of our smart contract application will be focusing on DEFI, also known as Decentralized Finance, including the following projects under development by the team we invested, asset cryptolizing, financing and lending, trading platforms, derivatives Platform, insurance, funds, payments and banking, ets.

It is expected at the same time when we launch our smart contract, we will also launch the first application on V SYSTEMS main net, which is the asset cryptolization financial blockchain application and a Token, partnering with a giant company.

This week we further discussed our Korean marketing strategy with the Local partners. The team will meet with a number of partners in Seoul next week. It is expected that in the near future, we will bring you a great news. Trust that soon Korea will have a lot of VSYS fans who follow Sunny King to change the world with blockchain.

The New York and Silicon Valley teams are working extensively with numerous crypto wallets, Staking pools, communities, etc. during the Consensus conference.

The 130,000 readers worldwide cryptocurrency magazine Block just published the new version magazine, V SYSTEMS feature page is included.

3. Supernode

The Staking Meetup in New York on the 15th attracted many fans. After the event, the team visited the Staking pool, Staked.us invested by Coinbase. Our CEO Alex gave Staked.us core team a detailed introduction of the VSYS supernode. Please wait for good news.

Next week, the team are in San Francisco to meet with more Staking pool partners and other local partners.

This week, professional crypto quotation platform bullseye.io has applied for a backup node.

The VPower supernode is in Hangzhou, China, to attend the conference organized by 8btc.

4. Developer Community

We have had in-depth communication with multiple developer teams. The strong infrastructure of the SPOS consensus for the V SYSTEMS blockchain has excited developers to develop more professional blockchain applications in the financial sector.

The team is actively investing in blockchain projects with corporate partners, and is looking for top blockchain developers in the world to invest and incubate blockchain applications based on the VSYSTEMS mainnet. We will have a big announcement recently in this field.

Please send us an email if you are interested: snake@v.systems

5. Team and Partners

The team is recruiting more developers from Sunny King’s previous network, we will announce more key developer members very soon.

Welcome the crypto journalist Samuel Town to join the team to create more quality content for V SYSTEMS. Samuel is column writer for lots of crypto medias, including CryptoBriefing.

Welcome Crypto Beast founder Edward Shuvalov join us as our media content advisor, who is creating a new introductory video for VSYSTEMS. Edward is a well-known digital currency investor in London.

To partner with Primecoin, we will cooperate in depth from brands, developers and communities.

More importantly, Primecoin will actively prepare for the stakes to contend V SYSTEMS supernode and will build a PoW 2.0 project based on the V SYSTEMS main chain, offer blockchain application and Token in the future.

We will provide more details next week.

2019年5月第2週 週報








冷熱錢包issue fix,預計下週早些時候發布升級版的熱錢包和冷錢包


VSYS Rate的PC版和手機進行UI設計修改,預計下週上新版


在15日的紐約Staking聚會,我們宣布了智能合約應用的發展方向,,即專注在DEFI(Decentralized Finance)金融領域的應用,其中包括我們投資的團隊正在開發中的以下一些項目,資產數字貨幣化、融資和借貸、交易平台、衍生品平台、保險、基金、支付和銀行等。


本週我們與韓國合作夥伴進一步討論了發展方向。團隊下週將在首爾拜訪會見多個合作夥伴,並正式開始韓國市場的推廣。相信2個月左右之內會給大家帶來一個大的好消息,預計韓國也將擁有特別多追隨Sunny King改變世界夢想的粉絲。










我們與多個開發團隊進行了深入溝通,SPoS共識給V SYSTEMS區塊鏈帶來的強大底層讓開發者興奮,他們可以開發更多金融領域的非常專業的區塊鏈應用。

由於我們即將發布的智能合約和token功能,希望進行相關開發的開發團隊,請聯繫我們。 bd@v.systems




團隊正在引進Sunny King的更多全球粉絲和開發者參與項目開發。

歡迎數字貨幣記者Sam Town加入團隊將為VSYSTEMS創造更多的優質內容,並發佈在全球專業的數字貨幣媒體。

歡迎Crypto Beast創始人Edward Shuvalov擔任我們的媒體內容顧問,他正在為VSYSTEMS創作一個全新的介紹視頻。 Edward是倫敦知名數字貨幣投資人。

與Primecoin的重要合作,我們將從品牌、開發者、社區進行深入合作,更重要的是,Primecoin將積極籌備VSYSTEMS超級節點,並在未來基於VSYSTEMS主鏈發佈區塊鏈應用,打造PoW 2.0項目以及其他相關的金融區塊鏈項目。



V SYSTEMS is a native blockchain database and decentralized app platform that aims to create a brand new digital economy era. The project is led by chief architect, Sunny King, the legendary blockchain developer and creator of Proof of Stake (PoS), who initiated the first PoS project with Peercoin and was also the creator of Primecoin.

V SYSTEMS’ mission is to create a future economy built upon millions of blockchains. To fulfill this mission, V SYSTEMS creates a scalable and stable infrastructure that brings a healthy blockchain ecosystem based on the next evolution of PoS, Supernode Proof of Stake (SPoS). V SYSTEMS aims to materialize the vision by building an innovative database cloud to make blockchain development swift and easy.

The mainnet and supernodes of V SYSTEMS have been operating since Q4 2018. The performance has been proven stable with industrial level TPS.

Project Name: V SYSTEMS

Official Website: https://www.v.systems

Project Introduction documents: https://v.systems/whitepaper.html

Learn how to participant supernode minting : https://v.systems/supernode.html

About VSYS Coin

V SYSTEMS’s cryptocurrency exchange ticker: VSYS

VSYS Coin lists on exchanges: https://v.systems/start.html

VSYS Coin on coinmarketcap page: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/v-systems/

Short Summary for VSYS Coin:

5,142,858,000 VSYS Coins (genesis block) Annual inflation rate around 5.5%, issued through supernode minting. VSYS Coins will be burnt during transaction, deflation may occur as a result.

VSYS coins are the cryptocurrency on V SYSTEMS blockchain.

About the V SYSTEMS Team

Architect: Sunny King

Sunny King, a legendary blockchain developer, is the inventor of Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism and creator of three cryptocurrencies/blockchain projects, including V SYSTEMS, Peercoin and Primecoin. Each project brings important advancements to blockchain technology and its community.

Sunny King Wiki:


Sunny King Twitter:


Sunny King’s statement on the V SYSTEMS public chain:


Core Developer Team Introduction:

The core developer team are experts from ex-Oracle,VMware,Google, Uber, and more other silicon valley tech companies. The leading developer team are all world’s top database scientists and mathematicians.

Social Medias of V SYSTEMS

Telegram: https://t.me/VSYSOfficialGroup

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5095853.0

VSYS Talk: http://talk.v.systems

VSYS Twitter: https://twitter.com/VSYSCoin

Sunny King Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunnyking9999

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vsystemsofficial

Medium: https://medium.com/vsystems

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/V_SYSTEMS



V Systems
V Systems

A blockchain platform that supports the efficient and agile development of decentralized applications. Visit our website at www.v.systems