Would you ever want to know about different Religions in India?

Neha Makhijani
3 min readApr 15, 2019


Yes, I have been born and bought up here and therefore nothing seems to be weird, although everything is. Don’t you ever wonder how have these different kinds of people live together in this country? I’d rather say various religions, how do these all manage to co-exist in the same place being so different.

Imagine if all the religions in our country stop talking to each other, kids going to religion-specific schools, adults work in organizations that are religion specific so on and so forth. Wouldn’t it be very monotonous?

O yes, definitely! This way we’d lose the beauty of the nation we are born in. We are so blessed to be here, we have the opportunity to know and feel the beauty of different religions, different life ideas, morals, and ethics. We must Explore!

Some people prefer to get married in their own religion, participate in their own communities and they stand-up against people who choose otherwise. I ain’t against this idea of life… It’s just that why are you looking for something easy, easy to get along, easy to adopt.

Why do they choose no newness?

Do they feel accomplished this way? Does life only hold within one community? Why wouldn’t they want to explore how different religions are, their beauties, their ethics. How about if they get a chance to know how is one religion different from another and how it works? Wouldn’t it be amazing? Wouldn’t it add to the vibrant culture of the country?

I sometimes ponder on how people share each other’s religions. How can we get the best out of it? Don’t we need a platform to share things, to talk about our religion, say for example I would want to tell people that I find it really beautiful that when two people get married in a Hindu Sindhi family, the name of the girl is changed to one that boy’s mom decides? It is a simple way to express that the girl will be completely adopted and welcomed in their family and is thus renamed as a gesture of love. Isn’t it amazing?

Maybe we can have a social media platform, which welcomes the religions and the diversities which comes with it. This got me to researching the best social media development companies that can help me create this kind of audience, develop such Custom Social Networks. And I luckily found a perfect one, one with very deep industry knowledge and impressive experience- Vinfotech. The company has a great portfolio on social networks -you can refer to their work. They have even worked on a few networks like Octopi- A network for the water sports enthusiast, Road Trippers Club- A social network for people to share and organize the coolest road trips in India, etc. I do feel a wave of change to rid the country of old myths is a need of the hour and a network that allows like-minded people to share their thoughts is a necessity for a brighter community.

I am really appreciative of the companies like these, which can help the community grow better and wiser.

