Parenting 101

Valerie Thomas
3 min readMar 11, 2018


One of the most popular TV shows, “The Office”, shows viewers how difficult it can be to play the other role of a stay at home mom or working dad. In one episode, “Lice” gender norms are shown through two characters in particular, Jim and Pam. Jim and Pam Halpert are a married couple with a little girl named Cece. During this episode Pam and Jim face some obstacles that enforce the norm of a stay at home mom and the working dad. This episode of The Office emphasizes how men and women respect the roles taken on by the opposite gender.

To start off their day, Pam and Jim start off their days as usual, Jim heading off to work and Pam getting the baby ready for the day. During the work day Pam gives Jim a call to ask him how an important meeting is going. Jim responds by saying it is fine, not wanting to tell her how relaxing and easy it is because he knows she is at home taking care of Cece. While Jim is enjoying a stress free day Pam is experiencing a high level of stress from having to take care of Cece, dealing with lice, and having to take out the garbage cans. Taking out the garbage cans might seem like a simple task, but for someone who is not used to doing work around the house and dealing with other stressful events it can be a difficult task to handle. Pam gives Jim a lot of respect for being a hard working husband/father and Jim credits Pam for raising a child and doing a great job at it. Gender does not define what jobs people are good at, although one gender may be better at a specific job than the other it does not mean the other can not do the same.

After Pam and Meredith’s incident with lice, Meredith asks Pam to go out and get some drinks. Pam and Meredith go out to get some drinks at a local bar. As they are chatting it up Pam says to Meredith, “I really respect you for being a single mom.” Pam experiences one day without Jim and it was a challenge. After it is all over she realizes that people like Meredith have to raise a child on their own daily. Being a single mom is not as easy as people think it is, unless they experience it. This episode is trying to send the message that single moms even single dads should be respected. Being a single mom can take a tole financially, socially, and emotionally. By sending this message it allows single parents to feel they are appreciated, supported, and most importantly respected.

Overall, viewers might get the impression that one gender is suitable for one job which is misleading. Gender does not play a role in what tasks people are good at, skills and motivation do. This episode does a good job giving respect to single parents, but needs to break gender roles.

