Published inStackademicHow we integrated Marfeel into our news app in FlutterMarfeel is a sophisticated platform that offers powerful analytics and monetization tools tailored specifically for publishers. By…Jul 23, 2024Jul 23, 2024
Hey nice article, but what if I only need the good old-fashioned key-value database?I couldn't find any single example of key-value as we used to have in Hive.May 3, 20231May 3, 20231
How to send ETH to Metamask without paying high gas feesThe high gas fees for any transaction on the Ethereum network is a recurring topic and one of the great current disadvantages of operating…Jun 15, 20222Jun 15, 20222
Noah the money app of the futureMany times, if not almost always, we hear about financial or income-generating projects when they have already achieved success. At this…Apr 6, 2022Apr 6, 2022
New project is restoring hope in Play to Earn gamesIt is no secret to anyone in the world of NFTs that 2021 was a very important year, but at the same time difficult and full of learning for…Apr 2, 2022Apr 2, 2022
Published inFlutter StoriesKnow the human behind the codeIn today’s world is easy to lose the touch of humanity, even with close people we are distant submerged in our own digital bubble.Aug 25, 2019Aug 25, 2019
Published inMercadeo Digital CorprensaCómo elegir el canal digital más adecuado para anunciarEn marketing digital, como en todo, hay que cosas que funcionan y otras que no dependiendo del objetivo que esperamos alcanzar. Lo primero…Oct 27, 2017Oct 27, 2017
Published inMercadeo Digital CorprensaRedes sociales: Mito vs. realidadActualmente existe un gran interés por parte de clientes en hacer envíos promocionales a través de las redes sociales de medios noticiosos…Aug 21, 2017Aug 21, 2017
Published inMercadeo Digital CorprensaCómo triplicamos el tráfico de en 2 mesesQuienes trabajan en marketing digital saben que ganar visitas para un sitio web no es fácil y requiere muchas veces de una gran inversión…Jan 23, 20171Jan 23, 20171
Published inMercadeo Digital CorprensaCorprensa 2016 en númerosEl 2016 cerró con un marcado crecimiento en el tráfico de nuestros diarios y Destaca el incremento de visitas…Jan 18, 20171Jan 18, 20171