Top 10 Oldest Religions In The World

Amar Sharma
9 min readOct 11, 2021


Dear friends, In this article provides an introduction to what are arguably the top 10 oldest religions in the world. It will provide little information about each religion.

What is the oldest Religion?

The oldest religion is the Hinduism and it is followed by about one billion people all around the world.

The people who follow this religion believe in the pantheon of gods and goddesses. They believe that there are many different forms of deities, but they all have a main deity that they worship.

The deities are mainly gods and goddesses that represent different aspects of life, such as family, fertility, power, etc.

Introduction to the top 10 oldest religions in world

Introduction to the top 10 oldest religions in world

Religion has been prevalent in human culture since the Stone Age.

It is often difficult to pinpoint what precisely constitutes a religion, but there are some religions that have become the most popular in the world with followers across cultures and regions.

This article provides an introduction to what are arguably the top 10 oldest religions in the world. It will provide information about each religion, including where it originated, when it was founded, and what is its primary belief system.

The list includes both ancient traditions as well as more modern spiritualities.

The top 10 oldest religions name:

- Zoroastrianism

- Taoism

- Judaism

- Christianity

- Islam

- Hinduism

- Buddhism

- Confucianism

- Shinto

- Jainism

1. Zoroastrianism Religion

Zoroastrianism Religion

This is an introduction to Zoroastrianism, the main religion in Iran. Zoroastrianism has been the predominant religion in Iran for more than a millennium, and before that in Eastern Anatolia, Northern Mesopotamia and Caucasus.

It was also present in parts of Central Asia before Islam. The religion is based on the teachings of prophet Zarathustra (Zoroaster). His followers are called Zoroastrians or Parsis.

The ancient texts of Zoroastrianism speak about one universal creator, Ahura Mazda or Wise Lord. This creator created two primal spirits that were put into Humans-Spenta Mainyu (Bounteous Spirit) and Angra Mainyu (Destructive Spirit).

2. Taoism Religion

Taoism is a religious or philosophical tradition of Chinese origin that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao (Chinese: 道; pinyin: Dào; literally “the Way”), a term that means “way”, “path” or sometimes more loosely “doctrine”.

Taoism originated in China, most likely during the 4th century BCE. Early Taoist texts emphasize ascetic practices and detachment from social life. Internal alchemy (neidan) was an important technique in early Taoist traditions.

3. Judaism Religion

Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world, and it is also one of the most prominent ones.

Judaism is a monotheistic religion that has its origins in the Middle East. It was founded by Abraham, who was later identified as “God’s chosen one”.

Judaism includes many different branches that are practiced worldwide by over 14 million people.

Most followers of Judaism are ethnically Jewish, but there are also other groups who practice it as well, such as converts to Judaism and members of other religions who have adopted some Jewish practices.

The main idea behind this religion is that it believes in a single God who created life and all its diversity for a specific reason. In order to keep living according to this plan, Jews follow strict rules.

4. Christianity Religion

The Christian religion is the world’s largest religion. Christianity is a monotheistic religion that believes in one God, who created the world and everything in it, including people.

It teaches that Jesus Christ is the son of God and savior of mankind. The Christian’s holy book is called the Bible. The first Christians were Jewish people who followed Jesus of Nazareth as their savior and God.

But Christianity spread to other parts of the world after Jesus was crucified on a cross by Roman authorities in Jerusalem around AD 30–33.

Christianity has had a major role in shaping history for more than 200 years from being persecuted from Rome to being one of Europe’s most powerful empires.

5. Islam Religion

Islam is a monotheistic religion that has over a billion followers in the world. It was founded by Muhammad who received revelations from God, through the angel Gabriel, between 610 and 632 AD.

6. Hinduism Religion

Hinduism is an Indian religion. It has no one founder, but it has six main text that are considered to be its core scriptures. Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world after Christianity and Islam.

7. Buddhism Religion

Buddhism is a religion. Its followers believe that enlightenment can be attained through one’s own efforts.

The religion is divided into three major schools:

- Theravada.

- Mahayana.

- Vajrayana.

Many Buddhist practices are concerned with achieving this end. For example, the Noble Eightfold Path elucidates eight elements that are necessary for the attainment of enlightenment.

These are right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and concentration.

Furthermore, Buddhism also teaches that one can take certain actions which will put his or her soul on the path to enlightenment and eventual Nirvana: namely good deeds and meditation.

8. Confucianism Religion

Confucianism is a religion belonging to the Sinitic tradition of East Asian religions.

It was first established in China around 600 BC and became prominent during the Han Dynasty and by the time of the Eastern Jin it had become a powerful influence in Chinese politics.

The influence of Confucianism has waxed and waned over time in China, its teachings spread westward as well, such as during the Yuan dynasty when it became one of the most important Islamic schools in China.

By this period, Confucianism has been influenced by Taoism and Buddhism.

9. Shinto Religion

The Shinto religion is an ancient and traditional Japanese religion that is still practiced today. It focuses on the idea that every person has a divine spirit or soul called a kami, that should be respected.

There are many different aspects of the Shinto religion that are worth exploring, but one of the most important ones is what happens after someone dies.

After someone passes away, their soul will rest in their grave for forty-nine days before being reborn as a new life.

10. Jainism Religion

Jainism is an ancient Indian religion that was founded in the 6th century BC. It has a strict system of moral conduct based on the idea that all life is sacred.

The followers of Jainism are known as Jains and they believe that living beings must be respected, even when they’re in pain or dying. They also believe in ahimsa, which means doing no harm to anything.

What is the most popular religion in the world?

People who have been asked or been polled about their religion have given a variety of responses, from the Christian religion to the Muslim religion.

However, there is one that has been said to be the most popular religion in the world and that would be Buddhism. Also you can read different categories articles!

What are some of the most popular beliefs and practices among different Religions?

Beliefs and practices vary among different religions. Some religions follow one set of beliefs, while others follow multiple sets of beliefs.

There are different opinions of what is the right way to practice religion.

Some people believe that religion should be more like an individual journey, while some believe that it should be practiced in a more organized manner with its traditions preserved.

What are some religious beliefs that aren’t Mainstream?

A lot of people only think about the mainstream religions and don’t explore outside of these beliefs. But here are some beliefs that are not mainstream:

1. All Souls Day — November 2nd. A small number of Catholics and Buddhists celebrate this day, even though it is not a nationally recognized holiday. This day celebrates all the souls who died and passed on to the afterlife.

2. Church of Jesus Christ (Restored) — This religion was founded by Joseph Smith in 1830s America, based on the Book Of Mormon which he claimed to have translated from ancient Egyptian papyrus scrolls.

Which he found buried in upstate New York. The church has a unique system of worship, with a congregational “praise” service for Sundays and a more traditional “sermon”.

What religions are older than Christianity?

Christianity is one of the world’s major religions and is considered to be old. Some scholars argue that the religion originated in the 1st century AD.

The world’s earliest known written words, cuneiform writing, were found in Mesopotamia and it dates back to 3000 BC. Religious symbols were found in Egyptian tombs dating back to 4000 BC.

The oldest known written words are dated to 10,000 years ago and they are traced back to Stone Age people who lived in what we now know as Turkey and Syria.

Some scholars argue that Buddhism is older than Christianity, but this is because they disagree on when Christ was born and when Buddha died.

Which is older the Bible or Vedas?

There is a long-standing debate about the age of the Vedas. Scholars have suggested that they were composed anywhere from 1500 to 600 BCE, but there is no consensus on an exact date.

The Bible has been dated as far back as 1400 BCE, with some scholars suggesting a much earlier date.

The earliest Hindu scriptures are known as the Vedas, and scholars have been debating their exact age for centuries. Some believe they were composed around 1500 B.C., while others believe they are much older.

The oldest written copies of the Bible come from 400–200 B.C., and this makes it one of the oldest pieces of literature still in existence today.

Which was the first religion on Earth?

The world’s first religion is unclear and has no one answer. There are several hypotheses on the topic and we will explore them in this article so you can make your own conclusions.

The origin of religion is a topic that has been debated for centuries and it is difficult to discover what was the first religion on Earth.

This debate boils down to determining which was the first religion to have emerged, not which currently has the most followers. As difficult as it may seem, there are some clues about how religion emerged in human beings.

One of these clues is cave paintings made by prehistoric humans that depict animals being hunted or honored as gods or ancestors by human figures who are clearly not animals themselves.

These scenes could be interpreted as scenes from a ritual ceremony, hinting at our early ancestors.

How does the oldest religion present God?

Creation of the world and how it came to be what it is today is a fascinating topic for many people. Especially when it’s the biblical story.

It’s one of many major religions in the world with about 2.5 billion believers. The God in this religion is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient and eternal being who created everything there is including time, space, matter and life itself.

The God of this religion also takes care of all that his creations do. He’s considered to be all-loving, all-merciful and just being full of love for humanity in general.

What are some of the major religions that have been around for a long time?

One of the oldest religions that is still around today is Judaism. Judaism as a faith has been around for as long as 4000 years and it is one of the three major monotheistic faiths in the world.

Another religion that has been around for a long time is Buddhism. Buddhism was founded in the 5th century BCE and it goes on to influence many other religions including Hinduism, Taoism, Jainism, and Shintoism.

Christianity is also an old religion that has had an impact on Western culture even if it wasn’t one of the first monotheistic faiths to be founded.

A common thread among these religions is that they are all based on some sort of divine revelation or event or prophecy set forth by their founders which gives them credibility over other religions.

FAQs Related to oldest religion

What is the oldest religion?The oldest religion is the very first one — the Paleolithic religion.What is the oldest religious text in the world?The oldest religious text in the world is the Egyptian Book of the Dead. It was written on papyrus scrolls and it dates back to 2000 BC.What is the oldest religion in the world?The oldest religion is unknown.
In the days before written records, the first religions were passed down from one generation to the next through storytelling. There are many ancient religions that have survived until today, but there is no agreement on which of them is the oldest.What is the oldest known religion?The oldest recorded religion is the worship of the goddess Inanna.What is the oldest religion christianity or islam?Christianity is the oldest religion. There are three major religions in the world today- Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ 2700 years ago. Islam is believed to have been founded by Muhammad around 1400 CE. It’s not clear if Islam is the oldest of the three religions or if it’s Christianity because they both have an unclear date of founding.


The oldest religion

Religion is one of the oldest and most controversial topics in history. In centuries past, religion has been the cause of wars and conflict between civilizations.

In recent times, there has been a rise in people who have been “spiritual but not religious” or “atheists.”

In this chapter, we have explored some of the common themes that can help us better understand religion. From a psychological perspective, explanations for religious belief vary from a genetic tendency to a mental disorder.

The social sciences view it as a means of social control while psychologists see it as an example of human behavior.

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Amar Sharma

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