6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Business Fibre Packages for Your Company

3 min readJun 28, 2022

A few years ago, you could only connect to your teams and customers within your office premises. Today, you can connect from anywhere, with almost all business functions being online. For example, you can schedule weekly meetings and handle customer support from one location. Considering such advances, your internet connection should not be a point of failure. When your internet connection goes down, everything follows. Fibre-optic internet solutions are reliable for connectivity, and here are six reasons why you should switch to fibre business packages.

High Speed

Fibre-optic internet is faster than the highest-speed internet connection you can think of. Available business fibre packages have speeds ranging from 5Mbps to 100 Gbps. When internet access services are in high demand, you will not notice the internet slowing down. Slow internet speeds can cost you a few weeks of a productive year, and as a business, you should avoid that.

Improved Cloud Access

The cloud is an essential business tool for hosting, apps, and services like customer relationship management and data storage. More organisations today use cloud services to some capacity. Fibre internet bandwidth and speed capabilities ensure faster access to data and apps located in cloud-based servers. Your business will therefore minimise delays when accessing cloud-hosted information through software-as-a-service tools.

Increased Network Security

Fibre internet connectivity is protective against cyber-crimes, considering it is safer than cable internet, which can easily be tapped. Fibre business packages are not transmitted through cables that hackers can cut through and execute their crimes. Using fibre internet ensures that confidential data and information remains inaccessible to cybercriminals. You will be alerted in case of signal disappearance, and you can act on time when eventualities arise.

Increased Signal Strength

Internet signals using DSL or Ethernet over copper can degrade when the users move away from the switch. Fibre-optic internet signal strengths do not degrade quickly over long distances. Bigger businesses can benefit from stronger signals to improve the facility. Signal strengths primarily favour employees in workspaces located further from the telecommunications rooms. These could be negatively impacted by distance with broadband internet.

Reliable Connectivity

Fibre business packages offer significant reliability advantages because of the connection strength. Fibre-optic cables are insusceptible to adverse weather conditions that can damage or impair data transmission. Fibre internet connection is also safe against human and electrical interference unless the fibres are cut physically. However, unreliable internet connections can be costly to a business, and unplanned downtime can bring communications and processes to a standstill.

High Bandwidth

Businesses that require high data transmission can hit the cap on cable internet bandwidth. Even though fibre-optic internet for business is not unlimited, the bandwidth is higher. Additionally, the speeds do not decrease with higher demands on the network. If your current internet connections cannot support your company’s bandwidth demands for cloud access or video conferencing, you could upgrade to fibre internet packages for better service.

Your productivity and business growth are tied to reliable internet connectivity, and fibre business packages offer you that. You can take the bold step to upgrade your internet access and improve teams for the given reasons. You will realise other benefits once you shift to fibre-optic internet solutions.




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