Video is Evolving

2 min readMay 4, 2016

Humans are drawn to video because it taps into the way we naturally process information. We’re inherently attracted to faces, voices, emotions and movement; all things that are easily conveyed through video.

It’s so captivating that each day people watch over 22 billion videos between just YouTube (4B 2012), Facebook (8B 2015), and Snapchat (10B 2016). But what’s fueling this exponential growth in video viewing?


Autoplaying videos stand out in our feeds, capturing attention before we can even react. This instant gratification is perfect for our dwindling attention spans.


Big data has given web companies the ability to deliver relevant content with the appropriate context. Personalized experiences increase user satisfaction and drive engagement.


Smartphones are the number one reason for the explosion of online video. They give anyone the ability to capture and view video whenever, wherever. Mobile will account for 50% of video views in 2016.


Live video lets people express what’s going on in their life now and connects viewers through a shared viewing experience. Gaming community Twitch is a great example of successful live content. As live streaming technology improves, new purposes will be found for this form of video.


The future of video is virtual and augmented reality. These new types of video are immersive and add a layer of engagement that’s never been possible before.

  • Virtual reality — transports users into a simulated environment that can be experienced and interacted with through the use of sensory devices.
  • Augmented reality — creates a digital layer atop reality to make it more meaningful by providing relevant information and an ability to interact with computerized objects.

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Stay Tuned & Happy Vumbling!

