Three steps to maximize personal growth

Vuong Nguyen
3 min readJan 10, 2018


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July 2017 was a drastic change in both of my professional career and personal life. I started a new career in Interaction Design and a new passion in dance. Being a novice in both fields, I was fortunate to have friends and mentors who have inspired and guided me through the process. Here are three lessons I’ve gathered over the last six months to maximize my growth as a beginner.

Have a strategy of learning

If you have a big ambition to study a subject, planning is crucial to maximize your growth. First, have an initial understanding, by either reading a book, or searching online or asking experts. Some people jump straight to action. However, doing without understanding is similar to wandering without a direction. Knowledge is a map that leads you to the final destination fast and efficiently.

Design smaller sub-goals that you can achieve in measurable amount of time. Sub-goals are the steps toward the final destination, keeping on track and measuring your progress. As you move forward, you may gain new information that changes your initial view. Be flexible to adjust your path.

The mindset

First of all, be patient. As a beginner, it’s much harder to build a new habit of learning. You are not a machine that can immediately switch on “productivity mode”. Take your time to build your momentum.

Place values in your personal progress, not the outcomes. You cannot control external influences such as expectations from your loved ones, or the demands of the job market, or how many followers you have on Instagram. At the end, learning is about being a better version of your own self.

Deliberate your practice. I’ve realized in dance, consistent practice only makes consistent. Perfect practice makes perfect. The journey of deliberate efforts to improve specific skills distinguishes between an expert and an average dancer. Diligence and consciousness together maximize growth.

Love the process

Growth isn’t just about the results. Quote from Kobe Bryant in his jersey retirement speech:

“…those times when you get up early and you work hard; those times when you stay up late and you work hard; those times when don’t feel like working — you’re too tired, you don’t want to push yourself — but you do it anyway. That is actually the dream. That’s the dream. It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.”

Love the pain and sweat more than success, and find rewards and satisfactions from your progress. Your growth will advance beyond your initial goals and any limitations.

Growth is continuous. The steps toward your goal must be consistent and steady. Your journey is a marathon rather than a sprint, and you must develop sustainable routines for the long run. For example, practice consistently every day rather than having one 6-hour session on Sunday.

Thanks to all my friends and mentors that have become a part of my journey.

This article is dedicated to my friend Trey Zhong and my mentor Jon Hargett.

Thank you, Trey for inspiring me and always pushing my limits.

Thank you, Jon for being incredibly patient and cultivating my natural growth.

