just a boy.

2 min readMay 11, 2023


a free verse poem by yours truly.


Photo by Alex Gorin on Unsplash

a man now standing where once there was only a boy,
indebted to the idea that there is so much in life to enjoy.

he who knew no better than innocence and how to lose it,
and forbidden feelings for a girl that he would never admit.
when his biggest worry was if he’d have a seat to sit,
amongst the façade of popularity that he’d never fit.

and yet life passed by faster than time had shown,
for he had yet to realize that now he was fully grown.

a boy’s life so short, and his future left unknown,
he reaches for the stars, yet he stands alone,
on this path he paves in his journey of discovery,
that leaves him with heartbreak on the road to recovery.

the sad reality of life reminds him that nothing is fair.
that no amount of stories would allow him to prepare,

for the day he realized that each life is nothing to compare,
for the day he realized that our loved ones will soon be in our prayers,
for the day he realized that suffocation is not about losing air,
for the day he realized that most people will never care.

for the day he realized that true love is ever so rare,
as he pictured his life as something he’d be able to share,
with a girl who spoiled him with words of love,
yet showed him nothing but a lack thereof.

and so he tried and tried and promised her he would change,
and that one day, with his love, her heart he’d rearrange.
that was when he realized that life can be oh so strange,
as he fixed her broken heart but received one in exchange.

swamped with memories of the chemistry, the love, and the trust,
but haunted by reminders of the hurt, the pain, and the dust.

for the one who taught him that not all goodbyes are the same,
for the one who taught him that a spark doesn’t have to make a flame,
for the one who taught him that not everyone in life is meant to stay,
for the one who taught him that his days of being a boy have gone away.

for all the pain he knows that time will heal,
his eyes are of wisdom, and his heart is of steel.

far removed from being flooded with tears,
glimpses of a life where the agony disappears,
his dreams and goals, his hopes and fears,
will drive him on through troubled years.

until the day his love is truly earned,
and fame and fortune is the least of his concern.
until the day that he no longer has to learn,
and instead teaches a little boy in return.

— vũ

