Overthrow 3.0 tier list

Vuvuzela Virtuoso
13 min readMar 30, 2023


Please note this is primarily for Quints/Octets. While heroes still can be wildly more successful/relevant in one of those vs. the other, FFA, Duos and Trios are much different due to the lower player and kill counts, and the fact that you will not reliably hit higher levels for high-level talents.

S Tier — Good in every match and able to contribute massively almost no matter what

  • Arc Warden (Cancer)
  • Clinkz (Hero’s been nerfed a lot in the mode, but still able to carry your team’s kill count reliably in most games)
  • Dark Willow (Shadow Realm OP)
  • Lion (Too many idiots in every game for Lion to farm damage off of for you to be safe by end)
  • Phoenix (Probably my most controversial pick up here but laser is fucking bonkers OP no matter what, and no one can even stop you from casting it if you’re in Ult, and it’s stupid hard to kill egg)
  • Snapfire (Worse with low kill count, but Lil’ Shredder OP even without upgrades)
  • Tinker (Fuck you)
  • Venge (Can grief when not in lead due to low respawn times letting you get chain killed, but Ag’s->Shard->Octarine->Right-click items usually lets you trade kills in those situations and eventually wins you games, Q is always OP, and you can get like -20 armor on your W with a bit of luck)
  • Zeus (Killstealing OP)

A Tier — Great but not as reliable or generically solid (can’t carry every game, but will have impact)

  • AA (Worse in Octets, but still able to carry with enough E upgrades and a couple Ws)
  • Drow (Overall solid, but rarely see her pop-off like the top tier)
  • Ench (Honestly she’s just fucking cancer, so hard to kill for so many, even in a mode with 1500 damage nukes)
  • Gyro (Your game can swing on how many damage upgrades your Q gets, as to whether or not you’re a Bloodstone-sustained freak that can tank 5 heroes while killing them all or if you’re more of an average annoyance, but solid nuker no matter what)
  • Hoodwink (Same sort of archetype as Snap/DW, but not as reliable)
  • Kunkka (Underplayed, and most of the players try to cast spells instead of simply randomly crit cleaving half the enemies every couple seconds, which is weird and not what I expect from degens playing this mode; that said sometimes you don’t get good upgrades for Tidebringer, I guess)
  • LC (You will end the game with 1500 duel damage, with your E healing you to full if it procs a single time, even if you have 5k HP; not as able to get free kills on a huge amount of people as ranged heroes though — worth investing in your Q as a supplemental nuke, especially in Octets. Don’t bother with W upgrades)
  • Muerta (W is fucking obnoxious, and your ult uptime is way better than opponents’ BKB uptimes)
  • Necro (Muerta is biggest counter; even with spells being a big deal, he’s nearly unkillable for most and just passively killsteals)
  • Nyx (Hardest part is finding a position outside the circle to burrow; best way to do it is buy your team’s wards, when an Epic orb spawns, rush down and bury in next to trees while putting ward down on other side of trees; mostly an unkillable annoyance rather than a serial murderer who permastuns you like he used to be but will murder every enemy Int hero in a small radius every few seconds)
  • Oracle (Super underrated, very easy to save random teammates while murdering countless enemies, even with Purifying Flames’ damage/healing upgrades being separated out)
  • PA (Maybe a little over-valued, but by far the best melee carry in this mode thanks to having both a break and her Ag’s for resetting CDs to give her a chance to nuke more than just one person at a time fairly reliably)
  • Pugna (Not perfectly reliable, but it’s such a fucking pain to kill his wards that almost no one even bothers trying, and he can get big suck off in a surprisingly big AoE thanks to those things)
  • QoP (Can get very good builds without having to rely on damage from a single spell; upgrading damage+CD on all 3 of your normal abilities without focusing a specific one is extremely viable)
  • Rubick (Thankfully, mostly just has good upgrades; hard to get completely screwed on Spell Amp, though if you miss out on good Fade Bolt damage completely you’re not in a great place)
  • Silencer (Even without Shard letting you steal additional int, pretty busted if you just rush Ag’s+Hurricane Pike then get Octarine, Wind Waker, and eventually like Moon Shard)
  • Spec (Not as busted as before; Dispersion upgrades have been nerfed pretty hard, but still very annoying and able to tank a lot — biggest weakness is needing to fill a slot with Blademail)
  • Spirit Breaker (Doesn’t one-shot people as easily anymore even if you have luck with MS->Damage talents, but does enough and it’s easy to get some +AS upgrades once you hit a good point with your Silver Edge/Ag’s/K&Y/etc. parts of your build)
  • Underlord (Just keep fucking upgrading Q)
  • Undying (Falls off late no matter what, even if he’s a tanky beast early on Zombie house can be annoying but usually doesn’t do much damage late)
  • WD (Very solid; biggest challenge is getting E off without putting yourself in danger for your ult getting interrupted, and your shard dissuades people from thinking you’re an easy target)
  • WK (Formerly S, but his Ag’s only lasts like 4 seconds now instead of 10)
  • WW (A lot of build flexibility and kill potential; can do right click+nuking pretty easily with one build and still be perfectly viable)

B Tier — Decent or Good but not reliable (can get screwed on upgrades too hard sometimes and just be trash)

  • Axe (God tier with massive radius upgrades on Q and enough upgrades for CDR and radius on E, but definitely not reliable)
  • Bat (Not sure exactly what upgrades it needs, and def better in Quints, but Ag’s Lasso always very powerful)
  • CM (God tier if you can get a 1500 damage Q and a few Ult upgrades; still contributes otherwise, though her E upgrades are all griefs because who the fuck runs out of mana after the first like 3 minutes)
  • Dark Seer (Rarely see him, but Vacc walls will kill everyone playing from a LAN Cafe)
  • Ember (He’s definitely not the S-Tier he feels like he should be; need to be a right-clicker by end of game)
  • Io (Probably don’t play in solo-queue, but the hero is absolute aids with a good Luna/Drow/Morph/Muerta to play with, especially if you build for your right-clicks to contribute)
  • Kotl (No one will kill your Ag’s no matter what which is enough; sometimes you get to have a fully-charged Q that does 2500 damage as a bonus)
  • Lesh (Feels like it should be better, but you usually take too much damage and a lot of people have powerful spells in this mode so you aren’t immune just bc of your Ag’s)
  • Lich (Ag’s E+Shard+Ult wins games; sometimes you don’t get the Ult damage upgrades to win though)
  • Lina (Underplayed, solid nuker with a lot of potential due to having 2 nukes to fall back on for upgrades, rather than needing to rely on just one of them)
  • NP (Obnoxious, but his E is useless, your W just needs the lvl 25 talent, Sprout is basically just fun to annoy people with, and so everything comes down to if you get enough upgrades for your Ult to randomly deal 4k damage to every enemy; ever other upgrade is a waste. Better in Octs for more targets to reliably hit max bounce cap on)
  • Pango (Pinball RP/fetish fans should play this hero with maximum roll speed upgrades)
  • Puck (Reliable since you have a lot of build options for nukes so it’s rare you get completely screwed, but your build options can be meh)
  • Razor (Honestly don’t see him much since the brief Bloodstone Shard meme but he can be pretty obnoxious)
  • Sand King (Hard to reliably drop big nukes; Q is never gonna be your big damage spell, so you’re very reliant on your ult, and passive kills from shit fighting in your W)
  • Skywrath (Slow projectile speed is kinda a killer; even for his ult it’s not uncommon for another nuke to hit midway through draining their HP, but consistently does a lot of damage even if it’s not reliable; it’s weird to have the ult’s CD be more of an issue than running out of mana on this hero)
  • Tiny (Not really reliable as a straight-up cleaving right-clicker, but even if this also isn’t reliable, Tree Volley gives you the big AoE nuke potential you need to scale consistently late)
  • Viper (Pretty solidly mid-tier, Corrosive Skin upgrades can be fun but mostly you’re focusing on W, and Q to an extent)
  • Visage (Birds are garbo, you’re basically stuck going all-in on hoping for Soul Assumption upgrades)
  • Abaddon (Not really capable of a great kill build, but can secure last hits and nuke pretty hard every few seconds when he’s not saving teammates, which he does very well, especially with Ag’s)

C Tier — Playable contributor

  • BH (Hard to play depending on if people buy detection or how much fighting gets stuck happening outside the circle; with the right upgrade set he’s good but reliance on additional factors outside your control makes it a hard sell)
  • Bristle (Can be cancer with enough E upgrades and dumb enemies, but still not OP and gets outscaled way too easily and very hard countered by heroes like LC and Lich since you die so fast without your E)
  • Cent (Just not game-breaking enough; Retal is just a waste no matter how high you pump it up with how much damage people do. Can still have an impact, but not gonna be MVP)
  • Earth Spirit (Can pop off and nuke massively while being impossible to kill, also can be played by idiots like me)
  • Earthshaker (Main contribution is making opponents want to end their lives bc stunned, but that’s solid enough in my book)
  • Enigma (Good, annoying, but doesn’t secure kills; Black Hole is bonkers though since you can barely get close enough to interrupt him without being sucked in)
  • Grim (Always has potential; can be closer to an A/B tier value if the enemy has a PA/Luna-type for you to use Dark Portrait on)
  • Huskar (Good enough to be destructive, better in Quints; don’t pretend like you’re toggling shit when you’re stuck on Peru servers in a 24-man game)
  • Jakiro (Please ban Rubick; hero usually doesn’t dominate games in current state but does provide a lot of misc. damage and stun and will get you random kills; better in Octet)
  • Jugg (Every now and then I see one get some insane build where they seem to get to Omni every-other-second, and then they just spin around til they can Omni again; otherwise pretty low contribution besides Ward)
  • Luna (Not sure I’ve seen a pure-right click Luna be successful; needs to go Ag’s before considering transitioning, and honestly may need Io)
  • Magnus (Overplayed by Timmies fascinated with fountain skewers)
  • Omni (Good 4 portect tem)
  • OD (Honestly don’t even know what his upgrades are, he’s just fucking annoying though I don’t feel like he’s normally a killer)
  • Riki (More often than not, just an obnoxious piece of shit with smoke cloud that can choose an individual squishy int enemy and torture them, and that is all he will do)
  • Slardar (Deceptively cancerous at times when he just swims around the edges constantly stunlocking people to death but not reliable in the least)
  • Slark (Could almost be B tier, but he falls off significantly once everyone and their mother finish the offensive parts of their builds and finally build Wind Wakers)
  • Sniper (Good, but really only does single-target damage meaningfully)
  • Storm (Regen changes and whatnot kinda hit hard; doesn’t zip in and instantly kill people as much anymore)
  • Techies (Should be better, but Suicide is stupidly unreliable due to how easy it is to interrupt it which prevents you from getting a lot of kill opportunities you should have with all your nukes)
  • TA (Not bad, not top tier; getting Bash talent is huge)
  • Timber (Just not much for trees cut, chains easily interrupted, etc. but can nuke hard around the edges)
  • Tusk (Much better the lower the player count; punch big)
  • Ursa (Less kiteable than a lot of carries even without BKB thanks to Ult+Ag’s+Shard)
  • Veno (Not really solid for securing victories, but solid for making people hate you)
  • Void Spirit (I see this guy be annoyingly unkillable but also struggle to kill consistently, but a good enough player can definitely trade a solo-kill or two in exchange for their life every time)
  • Warlock (Falls off later once people buy Wind Wakers and otherwise have purges, etc., and has a hard time securing last hits, but does pick up a lot of incidentals, especially early on when people die slowly enough that they sometimes bleed out from bonds when trying to run back to fountain)
  • Weaver (Don’t buy Ag’s or Shard; Shard used to be much better when it let you expose invis and torture buried Nyxes as well as bounce Geminates between swarmed heroes for AoE and on its own would bring this hero to an A, but current Shard is useless — hero can still get rediculous though with getting like 5+ Geminate hits on a single proc)
  • WR (Can do either Powershot nuking build or Ult right-clicking, but need to identify early which you’re going for — E and Shard are always useful, thankfully, even if Ag’s isn’t terribly useful due to truesight in the mid)
  • Elder Titan (I think he can be here, but most ETs you’re going to see are going to be F Tier trash since you need to utilize the hell out of your Spirit Hero Damage and Ag’s Magic Immunity to nuke down people, but you at least get a Shard’d stomp as an optional initiation too; better in Octets of course)

D Tier — Playable, definitely not a winner

  • Alch (Q and W are actually huge, easy for W to get to do like 1500 damage but not reliable to actually hit enemies with)
  • Bloodseeker (I’ve seen him be cancer like once with an absurd build, but even then he’s a bizarre magical suicide bomber at best)
  • CK (Seen it be good, but usually too much incidental damage for the Illus, and insta-nuking a single hero on ult-CD is not enough)
  • Clock (Ag’s E is the only way the hero contributes meaningfully; it’s really fun for a minute and you at least are safe from feeding unnecessarily while doing it but it falls off hard even with upgrades, and it’s been nerfed)
  • Dawnbreaker (Sometimes can be absurd with Q, usually main contribution is Ag’s Ult though)
  • Doom (Fine, can be very annoying, and obvi better in Quints)
  • DK (Good but can be hard if you die a lot due to reliance on Ult uptime)
  • Invoker (Cata does not do enough; your primary contribution is griefing all other players in the match by casting Tornado poorly, aka at all)
  • Mars (Arena good, ATF got everything else about the hero nerfed too hard though)
  • Medusa (Never really see the hero do a lot without like, an Io battery or something; it used to be pretty good but think it’s been a bit over-nerfed)
  • Mirana (None of her spells are good enough; Leap AS upgrades don’t get you nearly enough, and the rest just doesn’t do reliable enough of work)
  • MK (Can do decently enough in 8v8 especially once he gets the extra command ring because idiots won’t respect his ult and will fight to the death in it)
  • Morph (Contributing is way too reliant on being able to get good targets for Ult)
  • NS (Doesn’t do enough without Ult up)
  • Ogre (Can do a lot, but can’t do enough with gold to scale alongside other heroes that really want to use all their inventory spots and it can also just be way too much investment for a single-target with the health pools a lot of heroes have)
  • PB (It can do things but it can’t do them without dying, and it won’t reliably get kills either, though pumping up your Ult’s damage and the smash intervals is actually pretty underrated)
  • Pudge (Usually better for Quints; his Rot Lifesteal builds have been nerfed so he doesn’t do a ton reliably)
  • Shadow Shaman (Ult bot; can sometimes get a decent nuke out of Q as well; used to be closer to A tier but wards are a lot less effective and more of an annoyance than a real threat like they used to be)
  • Sven (Can be good and cleave people down, usually isn’t)
  • TB (Playable, Meta CD limits you pretty hard though, similar to DK)
  • Tide (Playable, no real reason to play though?)

F Tier — Really no reason to play this hero

  • AM (Seen it be slightly annoying; never seen it be good)
  • Bane (idk, probably some way that it’s good but there’s just too many targets in my experience)
  • Beastmaster (Fine, but I’ve tried and never gotten upgrades enough for even his Q to make him really feel good, and being an AS aura bot for your team feels like a questionable way to dedicate a spot on your team, even in Octs)
  • Brew (Honestly just never seen anyone play this hero and it doesn’t feel like it’s even remotely worth a play)
  • Brood (Seen the hero contribute a time or two, but that’s the best I can say)
  • Dazzle (Never seen this hero do anything more than have good Graves)
  • FV (good to combo with a team I guess, but way too long a CD for kills in Chrono to be your main contribution)
  • Marci (She can’t do fucking anything without her Ult)
  • Naga (Only reason to play is to sing as much as possible and annoy the shit out of every other player, not really gonna kill people)
  • SF (idk, doesn’t really do shit, ult is fine? Not a strong right-clicker vs. all the spells in this though)
  • Troll (I guess you’ll kill an idiot or two with Ult before they get Wind Waker?)

FF Tier — Actively terrible; you have griefed by picking this

  • Chen (Similar to Beast, minus at least having a reliable BKB-piercing stun)
  • Treant (okay the ult is still fine, but fucking why pick this)
  • Lifestealer (his best contribution is staying infested in Spirit Breaker to let the hero one-shot more squishy int heroes; if there is no SB you have griefed)
  • Lone Druid (is this a hero?)
  • Lycan (SummonsHero.jpg)
  • Meepo (Meepo)
  • PL (I don’t think this is a hero in this mode and I’ve never seen it do anything)
  • Shadow Demon (W isn’t useful even in this, your E does not do nearly enough no matter how much investment you put in it, your ult is a single-target delayed damage spell that won’t do as much as a good hero’s generic AoE nuke; basically the best thing you can do for kills is Disrupt a Luna)

