BurningMan the first years — a conversation with Satya Anurodh

Victor Vorski
5 min readAug 10, 2022


Space, The Final Frontier — BurningMan ‘92

Read how Burning Man has inspired the Gathering of Tribes


which burnigman were you at?
I want to talk to someone who was there at the begining


The first one
On Baker Beach
The first ones


how was it organised?
were there camps?


Where a dog got boiled alive
Cause the people were tripping on acid
There was no formal organisation
Larry got kicked off the beach
We wanted to keep doing it
A couple pf guys knew about playa for sand racing a d rocketry
Since people around was like reSearch, Cacophony and SRL
The playa seemed really cool
We could burn the shit out of it and nobody would care


were there clusters in there
or was it evenly spread out across the playa?


More like it
I was with Walter Alter and a few others


did reSearch, Cacophony and SRL make their own clique/camp?


But alot of cross over
Harold and his art car stuff
LA Cacophony

I knew people actually from UW moved to SF and also part of Flauntulist Society I was in Back in the late 70s
So it had that loose connections
Of always people on the edge


and each group had it’s own cluster, or how did people camp & eat?




food, cooking


Dude — we didnt need food

We did more drugs than food

If u ate — u cooked

Or some people setup like yatai stands

Wasnt a priority

Mostly people jus stopped at supermarket and loaded up


I’m trying to put together, a festival following that organisational spirit, but focused on getting people together for serious conversation, meeting people to collaborate with and yes, parties and drugs too, but that’s the desert, not the main course


Those of us in the OG core

Had idea to to keep the spirit




Harvey and his crew jus wanted it to grow
He was in the money
And knew it
And thousands of poseir hipsters fueling it
Vis a vis SV investors
Bridge and Tunnel kids
Experiencing something interestinf fpr the first Satyae
Original BM was much different
It was not cooperstive
It had huge antogonism
SRL hated Seemen
For example
Harvey was not liked






‘Cleansed with my grandfathers axe’

Because the art started to have value

And we figured the beauty of BM was in its transient nature

Of nihilistic adventure

I mean hell

U burn the man?

Burn everything!

No half measures

Afterall what better place?





I dig the way it evolved

But to alot of us

It jus became a symbol of bloated consurism

That pretty much matched the lifestyle of those attended

So we got bored wit it after 1995 or so

Afew people tried to kickstart other stuff


so we’re trying to create the event that’s the opposite of that value — we’re all about creation


I think ur idea is more akin tp Oregon Country Faire

What Kesey was doing

Mpre constructive

Not so nihilistic

Or jainist

Oregon Country Faire also amazing



yeah, I’m just trying to copy the free-form organisation of inviting cool people and letting them get on with it.

I gotta hear more of these stories from you!


But we live in new Satyaes

So need new ideas

Expanding old ideas until they bloat

Is boring

But I can see that gathering people to experience shit

Is a good idea

I loved BM

Man I was an SRL freak

Coming from helicopter slash buning backgrojnd

So i had all this gear to make awesome fire

SRL was the place

Mark Pauline a god IMO

At the Satyae

We all loved putting shit together then going to the desert

Everybody loves an exhibit

BM was pretty close to limitless

That was super appealing

Victor replied to Satya

> But I can see that gathering people to experience shit is a good idea

yes. and I want to gather them to experience hope for the future, and get the energy and find friends to make it happen



I’m more of a BM ver.9 guy

The sign I made ‘directing’ where to camp at the 2nd BM in the Playa


Anyone was welcome to ‘burn’ their memories and actually interact in a highly personal manner.

Space. The final frontier


BM? 1991 or 92? something like that
Would have had been before I moved to LA
And 1 year after the LA Cacocophny Trip came up …
So probably 92 and before 95
96 was the most insane — That was the year of final anarchy
I stopped going there after 96
It just became a corporate Cochella event after that
John Law stopped producing in 96 too I believe
95 was the last year for the real BM
My name during those years was Satya Anurodh
Which loosely means Invitation to Truth
Or Asshole Antagonist
Or Aspergers Asswipe
Too bad I cant find all the Super 8 and PXL2000 tapes.
Maybe my Ex wife has them
I was kinda into S8 then and also remfg PXL2000
BM was a great place for that
Incidentally would love to contribute my experiences
I was also member of the Rajnessh cult
And lived in communes in Holland and US
So — — that actually had alot in common with the Burningman scene
very tantric approach to life and people interactions

You sent



A lot of Rajneesh people came to BM in the early days

Because of course it was SF founded

And the main Rajneesh benefactors were psychologist from SF

The concept of dynamic meditation was very well known

And a deep part of the SF art scene

M was the closest to real social dynamic meditation I ever felt


Far better than anything at the <real> Rajneesh celebrations

better as in more immersive

more real

completely unhinged

I would say that any community should be practicing this

and yeah … Japan kinda still does

That’s the concept of Matsuri

And struggling with the shrine thingy

You did that

All the same

but very important for communities to use this as both a bond and a release

You sent

yes. doing it for something like 7 years over the past 15 really opened my eyes to the power of festival

Read how Burning Man has inspired the Gathering of Tribes



Victor Vorski

Imagineer, creative strategist, village builder. Founder of EarthSkyLab, a village building consultancy. https://www.linkedin.com/in/vvorski