Shelley你的本來面目是什麼?我對命理有著濃厚的興趣,渴望深入了解人,尤其是能夠提前洞察未來的可能性,這對我來說是一種無比吸引的探索。最初接觸命理,是因為人生來到了瓶頸,感到一事無成。儘管我努力地生活,卻似乎什麼也沒有留下,成為不了理想中的自己,心中充滿了空虛與痛苦。在人生的起伏中,身邊的人來來去去,唯有我始…Sep 21Sep 21
Shelley我的編輯生涯 / le deuxième épisode上一篇文章探討了我從藝術領域轉入媒體業的過程,回顧了我在第一份藝文編輯工作中的經歷與收穫。作為一個積極探索自我、挖掘潛能的人,我在工作和生活中都不斷反思自己適合做什麼、喜歡什麼,以及對哪些人事物更感興趣。這一過程的核心在於誠實面對一切,包括自己。Sep 20Sep 20
Shelley我的編輯生涯 / le premier épisode在大學時期我主修法文,對於文化與人始終懷有濃厚的興趣。然而,人生的路途並非總是平坦,我曾經陷入憂鬱症的困境。幸運的是,藝術成為了我生命中的救贖,這段經歷也促使我決心投入藝術領域。Sep 19Sep 19
ShelleyDon’t forget the original passion for artI once immersed myself in the art world for two years, surrounded by professionals and enthusiasts, all because of my passion for art. This…Sep 16Sep 16
ShelleyWhen the “ego” shrinks from large to smallI have always been a self-centered person, the only child in a large family who was showered with affection. Essentially, anything I wanted…Jun 22Jun 22
ShelleyOvercoming Obstacles.I enjoy reflecting on the moments of my life, not only considering the overarching logic but also understanding why I made each significant…Jun 21Jun 21
Shelley“Biennale,” as the name suggests, refers to a significant art exhibition held every two years.The origin of biennales dates back to the celebration of royal weddings.Nov 19, 2023Nov 19, 2023
ShelleyArts that can fit into your HousesI value the atmosphere and prosperity, and I prefer group achievements over individual ones. This may be a very Eastern way of thinking…Oct 25, 2023Oct 25, 2023
ShelleyLes salonsdu Château de VersaillesLouisXIV employed over 30,000 workers, architects, engineers, and technicians to build the Château de Versailles. Besides tackling the…Sep 25, 2023Sep 25, 2023