How Dean Graziosi Gets Tons of Business Through Offering Free Seminars, So BE CAREFUL

Veronica Wagenet
5 min readAug 3, 2019

Learn what happens at the free seminars Dean Graziosi’s company puts on and the tricks used by his team to get people to buy-in to his products

Image: screenshot from website:

You may have seen advertisements for Dean Graziosi’s free workshops on Facebook, Youtube, or received an invitational email. I saw an advertisement on Youtube and thought it might be interesting to attend the event since it was free, I would get lunch, and get a free copy of his book, Millionaire Success Habits. It was also supposed to only be from 12- 1 pm on a Thursday, which seemed short enough. I figured why not go. I knew they would be trying to sell something there, but I did not know what exactly it would be, so I went.

When I got there the check-in was easy. I just gave them my name and they gave me a name tag and a copy of Graziosi’s book, then I went downstairs to the event room to find a chair, which had a pen and brochure full of testimonials in it. Keep in mind, this seminar was supposed to give you the success habits of millionaires, so that is what I was…



Veronica Wagenet

I specialize in entrepreneurship and marketing. Founder of Entrepreneur Uncovered: Buy our journal here: