Small Business Grants and Loans You Need to Know About to Help Keep Your Business Going During Shelter-in-Place

Veronica Wagenet
12 min readApr 26, 2020

Resources available to help your business during the COVID-19 Crises

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs who were doing well are now suffering financial losses due to shelter-in-place orders by the US government. This is an unprecedented time in our history. Small businesses need help paying their rent and their employees so they do not have to close. Luckily though, the government, non-profit foundations, and private corporations are stepping up to help lift their financial burdens. Below is a list we compiled as a helpful guide on all of the options available now for small businesses in mainly California.

Government Assistance

Federal Government

Just yesterday, congress passed a bill that will help small businesses. According to Forbes Magazine, under the CARES Act passed on March 27, 2020, independent contractors, small businesses, gig workers, and freelancers are eligible to receive a government grant of up to $10,000. The next step is for the president to sign the bill to make it go into affect. The SBA sometimes refers to these grants as “advances,” but you are not required to repay this money to the…



Veronica Wagenet

I specialize in entrepreneurship and marketing. Founder of Entrepreneur Uncovered: Buy our journal here: