a Hook into React Hooks
This is a quick intro to React Hooks.
This article is meant to set the ground for the next article in which I will show how to use those simple techniques to achieve AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming), and will also compare it to the new comosition API commig from Vue.js
But first thing first, lets quickly review what are React Hooks.
a quick Intro to React Hooks
Hooks are a new addition in React 16.8 and a major shift in the coding style:
The Obvious Benefits:
- This is kind of the new best practice
- It allows using React Features: life cycle, state, from within a function component
Lets quickly review the basics
The Hello Hooks sample:
Armed with this knowledge, forms in are much nicer to code:
Hooks and Effects
The new way to handle lifecycle events such as componentDidMount() and componentDidUpdate() is done using the useEffect() hook:
And here is how we code a conditional effect:
Bringing in a real life sample of some buddies we want to get notified about:
In the above code, we can also see how cleaning up is done, and experience the nice functional flow of re-subscribing to the right buddy comming from props.
Lets discuss the < Previous | Next > scenario:
Loading the nextItem, before hooks may be achieved like that:
With hooks, the same is achieved nicer:
What is it about again?
Hooks are functions that let you “hook into” React state and lifecycle features from function components
In the next article I will show how to use those simple techniques to achieve AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming), and will also compare it to the new comosition API commig from Vue.js