Violet Msanga
2 min readJun 26, 2020


Coordination of any nature requires a mode of communication. Just like humans, machines too have a language they comprehend when instructed to execute certain tasks. This language is known as a programming language. A programming language is well defined as a formal language that consists of a set of instructions used to command a computer to perform tasks or solve definite problems.

Programming languages are used for web, mobile and game development. This languages can be classified as either functional, imperative, logical or object oriented depending on how they were developed.

Due to the increasing demand for online games, programming languages have also become more popular as they used when building this games. Languages like C ++, C #, Java, Python , C and JavaScript are the most used in building games. Developers however, prefer object oriented type for this purpose because they use internal structures to organize codes into reusable classes/blocks.

C++ is the most preferred language for game building. Some of the games built on this language include Metro 2033, Blackwell, Fallout 4,skull and bones, and many others. It works well on platforms like Windows, OS X, Linux and Xbox one. A good number of games have been built on it because of its features like, it allows more control over hardware and graphical processes unlike python which only supports high level. In comparison to C# which only runs on windows platforms as it is part of .Net framework, C ++ is platform portable as one can use same piece of code in different environments.

It's large library enables it to perform a wide variety of functions. It allows operator overloading that Java doesn't, exception and error handling that makes it efficient. Similar to JavaScript and c, it differentiates lowercase and uppercase characters,meaning NON and non are treated differently. It can be combined with other languages to build games like the old republic built on the blend of it and C#.

However this language also comes with some limitations just like its predecessor C. It's debugging becomes difficult when used for complex web applications, compromised security similar to java as it has a global variable,it lacks garbage collector to automatically filter out unwanted data and its hard to learn because of it's complexity.

If you were to choose only one language to study, C++ is the one for you.