Big Little Banner — graffiti on the web

Vytas Butkus
1 min readMar 4, 2018


Let me tell you about Big Little Banner. Here’s a photo of it:

Normally if you would meet it on the web you could click on it and it would take you to its homepage.

It’s a neat little banner on a big journey — to meet everyone on the web. It scours the internet — from to — to find you and bring a message of hope and unity. It doesn’t want to sell you anything or enlarge your private parts. It just sits there alongside other banners hoping you will notice it.

Born out of a love-hate relationship of adtech and adblockers, Big Little Banner seeks to bring you joy to your everyday browsing experience. It’s on a mission to visit all the 4 billion plus citizens of the web and to do that it needs your help. By spending a minute in its homepage you can raise enough funds for it to meet at least 10 more people. While you are there you can find out more about Big Little Banner.

