CoinMetro Acquires Trading License From Estonia

3 min readMay 24, 2018


CoinMetro has recently acquired a trading license from the nation of Estonia. CoinMetro believes that complying with regulations is the best way of bringing cryptocurrency to the masses.

Many projects are headed within national borders since the European country is one of the most crypto-friendly countries in the world. With nations cracking down on cryptocurrency, Estonia offers refuge for budding enterprises.

The trading license granted from the Estonian government allows CoinMetro to offer services like exchanging fiat for crypto, crypto for fiat, and crypto for crypto. Users will be able to wire money or use credit cards to purchase cryptocurrency. Exchanging digital currencies for others is no different than a traditional forex platform.

CoinMetro also offers the ability to “cash out” cryptocurrencies for fiat. This is a huge selling point, as the process of selling cryptocurrency for traditional currencies is typically where most of the legal complications lay.
Three target markets

CoinMetro categorizes their users into three groups, based on people will use the exchange’s services. The three groups are the everyday user, the serious trader, and the ICO visionary.

The everyday user will be drawn to CoinMetro for the eWallet and crypto debit card. eWallet offers a convenient way for users to handle cryptocurrency without having to download and setup wallets, eliminating a huge technical barrier.

The wallets are encrypted, and users can opt to store the private key themselves or delegate to CoinMetro. This makes the wallet viable for larger sums of funds or high-security situations, appealing both to the serious trader and ICO visionary.

Combined with the crypto debit card, everyday users will be able to spend cryptocurrencies online as well as in physical stores. Consumers will still benefit from the transaction speed and cost savings associated with cryptocurrency, without any of the hassles.

This demographic will most likely be CoinMetros largest target market, as CoinMetros objective is to bring digital currencies to as many people as possible.

Second group CoinMetro caters to is “the serious trader”. ETCfs, Tokenized Asset Management (TAM), and a feature-rich crypto exchange will satisfy even veteran traders.

Lastly, CoinMetro offers services to satisfy the needs of “the ICO visionary”. The platform is truly a one-stop shop, capable of handling the entire ICO launch process from start to finish. Capabilities include KYC, coin distribution and listing within Coin Metros exchange.

By taking the burden of the ICO launch process, developers will be able to spend more time working on the project core and delivering a better product.

While CoinMetro has segmented users into three main groups, there will, of course, be some service overlap. The serious trader may have a crypto debit card to make online payments using profits from a sell order.

ICO visionaries may take advantage of TAM or see how their coin is doing on the exchange. The everyday user could become intrigued in a new ICO, participating in one for the first time.
What’s next for CoinMetro?

CoinMetros next move is to expand further within Europe and gain a foothold within the EU market. From there, CoinMetro looks to Singapore or Hong Kong to penetrate Asian markets.


